Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Floating Head, Part 1

It was 1970 and I lived in an apartment on 8th Avenue on St. Petersburg beach with my Mom. We had been there about 2 months. She worked everyday and I was often there alone by myself. This was my first summer living on the beach, so I lived in my bathing suit for the most part on a daily basis. There was a faulty air conditioner that often left the apartment very warm inside.  It's always HOT in Florida in the summer. We were about 2 minutes walking distance from the water, the Gulf of Mexico. We went swimming to cool off daily. It was wonderful. But it was also very, very hot out every single day.
Our apartment was pretty small compared to some of the places on the beach, but we were happy. There were only 4 rooms in the apartment, but it really was all we needed.
  As you walked in the front door there was a large dining room and living room that were really just one separated room that led to the bedroom and to the right was a small kitchen and a very small bathroom, and there you have it. So from the bedroom you could see right out the front door. My Mom and I shared the bedroom. My bed was in view of the front door. My Mom opted for the bed to the left of the doorway for a bit more privacy.
On this particular day my Mom had gotten up at 6:30 a.m. to head off to work, as she usually did and left me in the apartment sound asleep. It was about 10:00 a.m. when I woke from my sleep, I felt so strange, I felt as if someone were in the room with me.  It was an eerie feeling.  As I rolled over to my great horror just to the right of the doorway was a very dark face emerging from the wall. "It was horrifying"! It came more and more into view until I could clearly see a frightening face just floating there on the wall. What an awful and orphic way to wake up seeing this! The face was that of a man and it had long black hair and a heavy beard and horrifying dark eyes. It was looking at me intently with a frightening fixed stare. I looked away a few times to see if I were imagining it. Unfortunately, I wasn't!
I kept trying to look away, and slowly put my hands to my face! I wanted to scream! How can this be happening?
It was there after I rubbed my eyes. I was frozen in fear. I looked away from it as I was so afraid. I knew I was alone in the apartment and was completely helpless. I couldn't even scream, I was so scared. I was just frozen, what the heck is that thing? I had been sleeping in my night shirt. I had no undergarments on and I knew I couldn't just get up and run outside in what I was wearing. I fought the fear as I tried not to look at this face glaring at me. It just wouldn't go away! I reached down to the floor slowly and found my jeans lying where I had left them the night before.  I thought if I can just slip these jeans on I can run out of here. Then it occurred to me I had to run past the face, which was still on the wall and it frightened me to think of what that would entail. I was trying to talk myself through the fear.  I just wanted to scream! Why wouldn't it go away? I glanced up at the head once again. It was still floating in the same place on the wall just to the right of the door and looking at me.  The eyes would move and blink, it was so horrifying. I wanted to cry! What good would that do, I thought? Just get out of the room, get out! I quickly looked away again. The fear was overtaking me. The facial hair and head hair was pure black, only a slight facial view was seen as the hair was grossly everywhere. !  I started talking to myself . "Just get your jeans on Teri, just get your jeans on! I could see my purse and car keys on the dresser, but there was no way I was going for them. He was floating right over the dresser on the wall to the right of the doorway. I didn't want to get that close to the head.  I slipped into the jeans slowly and didn't even zip them up. I stared forward and got out of bed and ran with my eyes closed past the doorway and headed for the front door at a brake neck pace. I quickly unlocked the door and ran out onto the hot sand in the parking lot which was just out of the apartment door. I stood outside in total disbelief of what I had just experienced. I was freaked out completely!
My feet were burning in the very hot sand. I had no shoes on! I just wanted to cry I was so afraid.
What the heck was that? Why did this happen to me? Where did it come from? I was shaking from the experience and there was no one to talk to. 
I knew I couldn't stand outside in this hot sand and sun for any length of time.  My feet were burning, and the 98 degrees was hitting me hard in the full sun! My purse and keys were still in the apartment so I knew I had to go back in and get them if I were to leave this place. But how? I was so scared. There was no one around so I kept the front door open and waited about a half hour or so. I went into the apartment and went straight into the bedroom to grab my sandals and purse and keys. The apparition was gone. Thank GOD! I moved very fast collecting my things.
What was that? It seemed demonic in every way.
To this day I don't know where I mustered up the nerve to go back into the apartment, but I knew I needed my money and car keys and my sandals. I was desperate to get out of there.
This ended up being the last day I would ever stay in that apartment. I drove to my Moms work and told her what had happened. She saw the fear in my face and heard the desperation in my voice. I told her I wasn't going back until she went home and then I would get my things and go stay with a friend.
My Mom stayed about 2 more weeks to the end of the month and then she also moved out.  She however had her boyfriend stay with her. I stayed with friends. No way was I going through that again.
Little did I know then that this was just the beginning of so many paranormal things to come. Very demonic attacks and strange other worldly dimensions.
Today I believe this was a manifested demonic entity sent to disrupt my life. And that it did!
We live in a strange world. But have no fear. We can overcome all the world throws at us! JESUS was my answer.
It took me about 3 more years however, before I found that truth.
It was a rough ride. He was with me even when I didn't know he was! HE was how I got out of that apartment. HE gave me the strength!
I did find out within the year who this head was....are you ready for the rest of the story.
Part 2, I'll share tomorrow.
Truth is stranger than fiction!

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