Sunday, October 5, 2014

Extra Terrestrial Encounters

So, I didn't believe in Extraterrestrials. Didn't want to know anything about them either, and I'm on my way home from work late one night and there they are. They made me an instant believer. They showed up for me! I had never desired to know about them. However, you cannot deny what is right before your very eyes!
They wanted me to know about them obviously. There was a "Need to know" for me. My encounter was really very peaceful. Unlike others I have more recently heard of. A bit unsettling at first though. I was seeing a craft hovering over the rail road crossing near my neighborhood. This was no small thing!  I was in prayer the whole time it was happening and asking the LORD for HIS help. It is truly an awe inspiring moment as well as a complete life changer. So much of a life changer I doubted my own sanity for a moment.
I buried  it in my memory pretty much after it happened because I didn't want to think about it or talk to anyone about it because I didn't want people to think I was crazy. I had just seen an extraterrestrial craft and being for the first time. I saw a a tall white, thin and ugly being, very different from humans. The ones on the craft were smaller and grey. I didn't believe in what I just saw. The experience opened my mind to the awareness of off world beings for the very first time! Right there, in that moment.
I just had such a hard time believing what happened to me and handling what I saw. It went against everything I believed in!

I was 27 at the time. Alone and standing in the middle of the road, and digesting the facts right before my eyes. I now knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that we were "not alone" in the universe, not alone at all.  I had never even questioned that subject before this experience. It seemed like the alien factor was the stuff of comic book entertainment to me, until this night.
 So before I had the chance to ask that question, the answer came to me in the form of the experience. It changed my life instantly right then and right there.
I experienced missing time, but didn't know it was missing time, because I didn't know there was such a thing as missing time. I saw two different types of extraterrestrials, but didn't realize that there were other types as well. I had nothing to base my experience on. I learned everything after the fact and 29 years later at that.
I am now well versed on the fact that we are not alone. We live in a world where the Paranormal and extraterrestrial as well as spiritual realms exist and interact.  I was taught they were all fantasies. That they weren't real. I am here now telling you beyond any doubt, they are all real, and here in our dimension. There is so much more than what meets the eyes in this life. Keep looking up and stay open.
GOD has much to teach you yet.

1 comment:

  1. I've been reading your blog from most recent until the beginning of 2015. Now I'm starting 2014 in order from the first entry.
    I have had a few glimmers of strange events, but no E.T.s.
    I want to become more attuned to the angelic and elemental realms because they are so important to earthly life. It's a more deliberate activity for me because it doesn't come naturally to me like it does to you.

    Thanks again for writing about your experiences. They help me put mine into perspective.
