Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Infected Baton, Lies We Tell Our Children.

When I was a little girl my parents taught me about Santa Clause, they said he was the reason for Christmas. They told me about the Easter Bunny and said he was the reason for Easter. They told me about Halloween, Thanksgiving and many, many more stories that were partial truths. I never heard about how we poisoned the Indians and stole their land and then slaughtered many and stuck the rest on reservations. I was lied to at school as well. My parents continued on with these partial truths about life, they said all people in authority were to be trusted, They said there were no ghosts, aliens, spirits, and other paranormal subjects.  Everybody it seemed as adults were part of the deception, part of the cover up, part of the big lie.
I grew up listening to news reporters who agreed with my parents and said this and then that. Teachers who said this and then that, and in the middle of it all was me. What was I going to make of it all? Who could I trust? Who could I believe and where was the truth?  Our government, our presidents, our wars, the youth of America, where was
 the truth?
It occurred to me after the Vietnam war  and some of the music I had heard questioning everything happening at that time, that something WAS VERY wrong. Something was wrong with what my parents taught me. I think even they were beginning to see it for the first time themselves.
When I was having experience after paranormal experience I figured out I was ill prepared for the truth! I had no idea what to do about so many situations I found myself in. The world was not a beautiful place after I had been raped twice by the time I was 16. The dis-service my parents did towards me was to make life look like a bowl of cherries, when in fact there were moments when it was more like a rotted bowl of fruit.
Just consider this, if we were to stop lying, just start telling the children the truth. Shut off the radio, T.V. and internet and sit down and start a conversation with our children and grandchildren and educate them about the truth that is our lives.  Prepare them for the situations that we found ourselves struggling with, just consider the difference it could make for them!
We would no longer give birth to sheeple, we would give birth to truth, education and empowerment, wisdom and understanding. We would not have to prepare the children, they would be well equipped to handle odd situations, they would understand misinformation tactics and not be easily led astray from TRUTH.
I found out later in life myself. I woke up in my late thirty's. Much of the damage had already been done with my children. I had to try to reeducate them as young adults. Could they ever trust me again for feeding so many partial truths to them as I had been fed myself. I was passing an infected baton onto them. TRUTH was beginning to surface now, like the truth about tobacco, drugs and worthless investments. But hey, I'm awake! I'm a true survivor! I delight in the TRUTH. It's a way of life for me now. I won't stand with those who continue the cover-ups. 
I implore you to wake up!
There are angels, aliens, ghosts, and odd paranormal things going on in this life. GOD is who HE said HE is and HE is so much bigger than religions would have you believe. People are not all good. There are many sick and twisted minds out there, yes, even in authority over us, who are wicked and function from self gain. Greed and power are their motto. They mean you NO GOOD at all. They want to control you. But now it's your choice. What do you say?
Just don't lie to the children. They are our future. Prepare them for all of life!
We are spiritual beings on a human journey. There are many facets to this life. Open their eyes and let them work out their own path. After all, we are all walking each other home. No one gets out of this life alive in the body.


  1. I can relate to a lot of what you said here. My parents brought me up in a very strict, idealistic Christian household. I was an only child so I was sheltered on the one hand out of their terrible fear of something bad happening to me, and I was over-corrected and criticized for the mistakes I made. I grew up feeling terribly inferior. At the same time my sweet mom did her best to make my life a fantasy land. They were very loving parents and did the best they could with their own baggage they brought from their family experience but I was woefully unprepared for real life. I tried to do some things differently with my kids but I still passed on some of the junk. Life is for learning and it can be that long and winding road. I'm thankful for where God has brought me on that road. This is the best time of my life!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing. Yes, we all tried in our generation to do a better job, and we worked with what we knew. Now at this phase we are learning that we need to be retaught the whole truth! This is the best time ever!

  3. I totally agree that truth begins at home! :-)
    And what a year 2020 was for peeling away scales from the eyes of those who wish to see. I hope it heralds a quickening pace for truth and integrity.
