Friday, September 1, 2017

Spine Tingler

So, it was August 31st, 2017. We had spent the day at our home with a very good friend and her husband. It was such a great visit. Originally it was just going to be a few hours of visiting and hanging out and talking about our passions in life which is our number one love to chat about and all it entails.
One hour past into the next without notice as we watched an old classic movie together. Once we finished the movie we were all getting hungry, so then dinner was on the agenda and I served up what I had in the crock pot for a quick and nourishing meal. We watched another movie while we ate dinner and all sat around talking and then shared a wonderful time of prayers for safe travels home and the night was spent.
I was very tired and went in to bed straight away.
As I slept I was awakened by a very strange feeling I was experiencing. I kept seeing this craft, a very large, dark silver craft hovering over the house. It was going in and out of view via some sort of cloaking that had an odd form like a haze around the craft which ushered it in and out of cloaking.  It seemed to go in and out of a cloud over the house as well. It was very odd. It was then that I saw a tall white extraterrestrial on the underbelly of the craft looking out through a glass like panel and looking directly at me. He seemed to be communicating that I was going to be coming aboard. I didn't disagree with him, I had no power to do so.  I asked what was happening. I heard him say "needed information", I understood him to mean, when I needed the information, I would have it. So this was like receiving coms.
The next thing I remembered was a very strange sensation that was freezing my entire spine. I tingled so strangely.  It was very cold! It did not hurt but it was powerful.  I could not move at all. It felt like a humming going through my entire body on a cellular level from my head to my toes, and I was unable to move away from the connection causing it. It felt like a strip running down my back. I did not see what was attached to my spine.
It had a certain vibrational hum to it. It was very loud and every cell in my body was affected by it. It tingled my ears. It went on for what felt like 15 minutes. It was making me very cold. So cold that it was causing me to come out of the trance like state I was in. When I came to I was in my room (however I got there) I was back in my bed. I saw the craft leave in the very same haze around it that allowed it to come in and out of cloaking.
I had never seen that before with all my other encounters. This was different. I wondered why?
If that was not strange enough all by itself, the next day I had called my friend who had been over that previous night and shared what had happened to me. She then told me as I gasped from her reply, that she and her husband had both experienced strange spine pain once they left our home that previous night. Her husband was actually really affected by the pain and wondered about seeing a Doctor!
She said she was going to see a Chiropractor.
Now I know this is odd but then that is usually the norm for me and my family here.
I think the extraterrestrial craft was hovered somehow over my home the entire day and the cloaking prevented it from being seen. This could be why I had never seen this sort of haze encircling the craft like I did this time. I also think it had affected my friends who were there all day. They obviously have their agenda these extraterrestrials. As odd as it all seems. They are always in control.
I was not hurt at all. My friends were very sore however and related it to being at my home the night before!
If anyone reading this has had a similar experience, I would love to hear about it! Any spine tingling like this?
Truth is always stranger than fiction!