Friday, November 28, 2014

The Night of the Collection

So, it was 2012, I was at home in St. Petersburg. It was a night just like any other night. I was getting ready for bed, so I drank my last cup of coffee and jumped in the sac with a good book.
I fell asleep quickly as I had been working very hard that day doing this and that for MUFON meetings throughout the state. I'd been on the computer all day and had several cases on the CMS I was working on as well. I was just mentally worn out.
I got up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, as I have this bad habit of drinking coffee late into the night and I never seem to make it all the way through till morning.
I remember thinking, I'm so groggy, and a bit sore on my right side. I was so very tired however I didn't turn the light on or look to see why I was sore. My right side near my hip just hurt a bit. I remember thinking, what the heck did I do now? I was just so tired I wanted to get right back in bed to get back to sleep. I felt as if I'd been drugged I was so tired. I could hardly walk back to the bed. The moment I got back to the sac, I was out like a light.
I woke up the next morning and headed right to the shower, my usual routine, brushed my teeth and  headed back to the bedroom to get dressed. I was wrapped in a towel and drying off as I walked past my closet mirrored doors. As I did I glanced in the mirror for just a moment. I noticed a red spot on my right hip area and I came to a dead stop and starred at it in the mirror. I tried to see it closer. I said out loud, "what the heck is that"? On further inspection I could clearly see two slices in my hip. The top slice was a bit longer than the bottom slice. They both had a scab of dried blood on them. There was blood on both of them! I touched the spot and then yelled out "Ouch!" It was then that I remembered it was the same area that bugged me when I'd gotten up last night to use the restroom. I took a picture of the slices and reported it to a few MUFON friends. I tried to remember what had happened as I slept that night? I had no idea how I had gotten these from a super soft pillow top mattress? I looked for blood on the white sheets on the bed, but not a drop could be found. I checked my nighty and not a bit of blood was on it either? I took pictures of the bed and the nighty for documentation. How did this happen? My side was very sore to touch but it didn't bother me otherwise. The blood was dried on the wounds even after the shower I had taken. I thought that was odd. Why didn't the blood wash off? It was in a scab form, but it just didn't wash off.

I later spent some time with a regression therapist and an abduction specialist who believed I had been the victim of an extraterrestrial bone marrow collection. That did seem to be where the collection would have been taken from.  I was so foggy that night,  I remembered thinking I wasn't usually that foggy, what could have made me that way? That was just odd. I wondered why? Why would they need my bone marrow? What do they do with it? I'm sure I'm not the only one who wonders this way after something with high strangeness happens to them?
I had documented this very well and so at that point there was nothing more that I could do. The truth is once this sort of thing happens to you, what exactly can you do? The answer is frankly, nothing! I suppose we will never know the why's on this side of the veil. I'm just grateful I wasn't traumatized through the process. 
I have never been harshly treated and I hear that that isn't always how it goes. My experiences are always on the more humane side.
I never could remember a thing about how this happened. I could not recollect the actual experience. I don't recall any of it.
It happened for certain but I just don't know how.
I sleep in a very soft and spacious king size bed. It has mattress pads and an extremely soft comforter on it. Nothing in my bed could slice me! Nothing in my room could cause that to happen either. Of this I am certain!
And then again,
I had the exact same experience 6 months later. Only this time it was the exact same slices on the left side of my body and in exactly the same area of my body! It was as sore as the time before and the blood was exactly the same. Dried very hard. The top cut was a bit longer than the bottom cut. I had gotten up just as before to use the restroom and I had felt the pain on my left side. I thought to myself, is this the same thing as before? And again, I have no idea why? I was too sleepy to fully wake up and check it out. I thought to myself, I guess this is just what extraterrestrials do as they study a subject. I'm not in control and it's as if I am drugged because I'm unusually groggy after the incident.
I reported these happenings again to the same friends as before and documented the slices on me with pictures. There is nothing else that "can" be done. As before I have no recollection of the actual incident. I felt so groggy when I went to the restroom that night as well. I can only say that I'm
glad that it's over!  It was not unpleasant this time either, as I don't remember any trauma. I hope it never happens again to me and I certainly hope it never happens to you!

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