Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Possesion

So, it was the school year of 1967. I had a very bad year that year with many emotional changes going on. Sickness as well. I was on the brink of all that life had for me. I had experienced heart ache at this young age and disappointments one after the other that year.
I began to fall ill in the early portion of the year. I was diagnosed with Mononucleosis, then the Doctors thought it was something else, but they were never  able to find out what was actually going on. I fainted once at school and just felt bad all over. I ended up in the late summer being sent to a special natural doctor who was a local man who ended up doing a myriad of tests on me. He was diligent and I was told was one of the best. however he was unable to find out any exact diagnosis on me so the tests continued. I seemed to be at his office more than not on any given week.
I was eventually sent to the hospital under his care. He was there everyday ordering more tests.  I went through so many horrible tests there. I felt like a human pin cushion. It was painful! I missed a lot of school throughout the year from my symptoms. Which I was never sure just what they were! I wondered what the heck is going on with me. I started to feel a bit better finally, but they kept testing me. I was getting may needles throughout the day and night. Steroids and other drugs.
I started wondering "why aren't I normal like everyone else"? What are they looking for? When will they find it? When will the needles stop? I just wanted to get out of this hospital!
I think that's normal thinking for children to think after all the testing and confinement for so long. After all, life was going on outside this hospital room and I wasn't in it with all my friends. I was stuck here. Alone, bored, except for the nurses. They were very nice to me. Go home and be left alone!
I remember one afternoon as I sat looking out the hospital room window, the doctor and my Mom came in to the room together, they had been talking out of the room in the hall for over an hour. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but it didn't sound good. They both stood over my bed now and I was shocked to hear the doctor say to my Mom, "Mary, the only thing I can assume here is that this is a spiritual issue going on in this child". She seems healthy from all the tests we have done but, I have seen this happen once before. Something isn't right. She is experiencing spiritual internal warfare of some sort. Similar to a possession. She goes through strange health issues that are not detectible before hand and then, there just simply gone!
WHAT? I thought to myself! Excuse me, WHAT! I couldn't believe my ears! Possession? What the heck is that! How does that happen?
I had no clue what they were talking about. I actually thought to myself, You must be kidding me! I'm laying here going through all these painful tests, getting shot after shot of prednisone bag after bag of something through I.V. and this is spiritual?
I saw that as my "OUT" of the hospital card!
So I took it! Right then and there, I found my voice! 
I had no idea what all that meant however, but
I said to them both, If there is nothing wrong with me, Why am I here for so long? Why all the medications? What is this all about? I want to go home!
I said to my Mom the minute the doctor left the room, I know you love this doctor and trust and respect him but let me come home today, I'm well,  and I will take it easy at home.
She agreed, gathered up my things and checked me out.
I will admit, The spiritual things that begun to happen that year to me were truly off the charts. I wondered if this happened because of subliminal suggestion from others?
But that would not answer for the experiences that were happening without my control. 
Things I had no knowledge of.
I wish the doctor was alive today as I would love to go back and talk to him about all I was experiencing then. Little did I know then that something spiritual was the right  diagnosis, but no one understood then what truly was happening to me.
It taught me early on that strange things can happen to very normal people and it wasn't fair!
Thus I studied demonology and the wisdom of the Bible.
I actually did get deliverance from something that was attacking me from an evil entity through a church I went to. This was the beginning of my Deliverance understanding and study of Demonology. While everybody else was afraid to face these spiritual battles, I embraced and overcame them through the knowledge of the HOLY SPIRIT!
I hope sharing this will help someone today. This life is so much more than what meets the eye. Our bodies go through changes as our mind is opened to experiences. We see things we cannot un see. We experience things that open our eyes and change us from within. Sometimes those changes are hard to deal with. They don't fit the norm. They are outside of the box if you will. It's hard to understand and accept. But none the less these things happen. Probably to all of us at some point.
This is what was happening to me at this time in m life, combined with a slight illness that I had contracted at school and it was made into a huge financially draining ordeal, but yet I learned the spiritual wakening was also happening at the same time and became a part of the diagnosis. Interesting life we live for sure.
My mind was open to a much bigger picture than most could comprehend then, it was overwhelming at times for me to grasp. But my life took a turn back then, and headed down a path that has become my story. And I keep evolving in the knowledge that comes to me.
We are all walking each other home, only from different perspectives of this life that we all live together in, here and now.
I often heard audible instructions that were positive and protective. I also heard warnings that were accurate. I saw dead people who were giving me messages, some I didn't want, some I did. I saw things young children should never see and I experienced the real world terrors of ungodly people.
If you can relate don't freak out! Pray! GOD never leads us down a path without teaching us something of great value. It's easy to see now that I'm older and I look back at the big picture.
It was hard to see and understand then, but is now history and knowledge.
Life is a journey and we must move forward!

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