Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Spiritual Attack

So, it was February 25th of 2012, I had gotten up early this morning around 6:45 in the morning to make coffee, something wasn't right and I was up so early because I just couldn't sleep any longer. I laughed because I thought to myself, figures it would be a Saturday. I had just recently had a very profound extraterrestrial craft sighting with my son that changed us both. I wasn't sleeping well since the incident. My son and I now were both sure that whoever chose to reveal to us that day, wanted us to be together. It was simply profound and we both were wondering why?
So as I stood preparing my coffee that morning I was standing in front of a very large kitchen window which faced North on the house. I glanced outside and saw the beautiful morning unfolding. The three fichus trees placed in their huge gorgeous pots in front of the window were so beautiful to look at, and the flowers were lovely in their painted pots. Not a leaf stirred on the trees.
It was so beautiful.
It was a very quite serene morning.
I looked at all three planted Fichus trees out the window feeling very pleased at how lovely they looked as I stood gazing at them in front of the window.
You see my yard was very close to the neighbors fence and the Fichus trees hid their fence and yard from my view. I was very grateful for them.

As I poured the water into the coffee maker, it was then that the attack happened.
A loud pounding on the roof as if there were a herd of animals on my rooftop, banging about. It lasted 30 seconds at least!  It was so loud it shocked me! I froze as I listened to the ruckus! I thought for sure it would wake up my sleeping husband. I expected him to come running to the kitchen at any moment, the banging was so loud! Then I heard something like feet running on the roof towards the kitchen area on the South end of the house, but so loudly as if there was a man on the roof stomping his feet. I stood perfectly still in my kitchen still holding the half poured decanter of water for the coffee maker. I put it down on the counter when all of a sudden three of my beautiful potted plants and one fichus tree were hurled towards the window from the north as if a huge wind had picked them up off the ground and thrown them directly at me! They hit the window! I stood there shocked! I thought the window was going to break so I screamed for my husband loudly! 
It was so frightening! What is this? What just happened? There is no wind outside? It is not raining? what ever was on my roof was on the South side of the house, how could the wind slam me from the North? I was so confused! I stood there wondering what was next?
I wanted to get away from the window in case something more was thrown at me! My mind was racing, Yes, I now knew instinctively that this was done to upset me!
 It was a deliberate attack!
There was no question! I could feel it now! It happened so it would take away my peace.
I immediately went for my camera in the living room and ran outside and started taking pictures. It was still dark out. All this had happened in the realm of a few moments. 
Perhaps I could catch this being or whatever form of entity it was?
I came back in the house after snapping a few photos. I saw nothing but a mess outside my window! I ran back into the house and headed to the bedroom to wake my sleeping husband. He was fast asleep! How could he have not heard all this? 
I pleaded with him, get up, please get up!
Why does it happen this way all the time?
Why do I have to be alone?
I ran back outside.
I took a few more pictures.
My camera captured the fichus tree and the pots lying on the ground. Just then my husband came outside and said "what is going on here"? I explained, I tried to wake you up when I screamed and then came into the room and tried to wake you you so you could see what I was experiencing in the kitchen. He stated, I heard nothing!
Not even my screaming I asked?
Our home is not that big, how could he have not heard me?
It makes me wonder if there is a cloak placed around us when these experiences happen that prevent others to see and hear us?
Truly, I believe we are separated somehow. There is no way someone can sleep through all that noise! The roof, my screaming, trees hitting a glass window?
I am ever aware that at any moment this type of thing can happen.
This is why I remain prepared for anything.
This is why I am a demonologist.
We never know when a beautiful moment will turn strangely odd.
Keep looking up and keep the faith!
You are never alone!

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