Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Test

So, it was 1978, I was a busy Mom raising two amazing young boy's. I couldn't have loved these boy's more. They were so precious. So well behaved. Such a joy to watch over. I often said I was the most blessed woman alive to be the mother of these boy's. Not only were they wonderful but they were both so handsome. Just adorable. The oldest was 5 at this time and the youngest was 3. They were to put it very simply
"My life".
I'm sure all mothers feel this way about their children. I was just very verbal about my love for them.
One very cold night in December in St. Petersburg, FL I had put the furnace up pretty high to keep the rooms warm but the boy's room was always oddly cold. 
After tucking them in this particular night, I decided it was to cool in the room for them and gathered up their little blankets and pillows and moved them into our bedroom and made a soft
bed for them next to my side of the bed for the night.
It was much warmer in our room and I knew if I had left them in their room, they would have kicked off their covers through the night and been very cold.
We all fell asleep shortly after I made the "move" and we were all snug like bugs in a rug.
It was around 3:00 a.m. in the morning when I heard someone call my name "loudly", "Teri".
I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes as I tried to see who it was.
Who could that be I thought to myself?
I didn't see anyone. I thought maybe I dreamt that?
Then I laid back down because I was so tired I didn't fully wake up.
My name was called a second time. "Teri"
Again, I sat straight up.
This time I was wide awake!
I was sure I wasn't dreaming this time.
I heard that! For the second time!
It wasn't my husband calling me as he was sound asleep still. There was a small dim night light on in the room and I looked over the side of my bed and there were my two son's sleeping like angels.
So, who called my name?
I sat there a moment longer and I heard a very clear, firm male voice say to me, very matter of fact "are you ready"?
I instantly somehow knew what this meant.
I also know knew who was speaking to me!
I was being asked if I was ready to leave this life!
To come away.
To leave everything I had come to love, My husband and children and our safe little home. My family and friends and the wonder of this earth. I seemed to sense this was "that time" I've heard of, when we die and leave this planet.
I was more than wide awake now,  I was so taken by surprise!
I hadn't thought it would come to me so soon, and I wasn't even sick!
I looked back down at my two amazing babies sleeping so peacefully. This was a true heartache, I didn't want to leave them. Their beautiful faces are etched in my mind just as they were at that moment that night. It was as if time stood still for a me. I remember every minute detail of their soft innocent little faces. I drank in their angelic little forms knowing this was my final goodbye for this life.
I had made my decision. I would go with GOD towards home on the other side of the veil as "HE" beckoned me to.
I glanced over at my husband and then I looked up and saw a white illumination in the room with me. It was so comforting.
The voice seemed to allow me to take in all my thoughts without prodding me to hurry.
Then I slowly brought my knees up to my chest as I sat in bed and held them tightly to me. I whispered to the light,
"is this going to hurt"?
Then without waiting for an answer, I closed my eyes tightly and said, "Yes, I'm ready, please make this fast"!
I sat there on the bed for a whole minute in this position. My eyes still closed tightly. I was just waiting for the end to come!
It was then I heard the voice speak again to me and say,
"Teri, lie down, go back to sleep".
And like a little trusting child responding to her daddy, I said out loud,
"O.K.", and I laid back down and immediately fell fast asleep.
I woke up the next morning and sat straight up in the bed.
I had full remembrance of what happened through the night!
The children were already up. I sat there going over what happened through the night. I was completely stumped!
What was that all about? What happened? Why had the LORD come to take me, but then didn't?
What did I do wrong?
My mind was full of questions. Then as if answering me, I was reminded of a verse in the Bible where  Abraham went to sacrifice his son Isaac, and the LORD prevented it. It was much the same thing, I understood, except I was the one leaving in this case.
I have spoken to the LORD many times of this incident and am resolved to simply trust HIM in what HE does in my life.
Some people would attribute this incident to a paranormal happening. But I give the glory to GOD.
HE never ceases to amaze me.
This is a strange world we are in which HE made, and many things happen that we may never understand until we get fully on the other side of the veil.
I choose to simply trust HIM!

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