Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Unfamiliar Voice

So, the other day I was sitting at my desk in the front room of our home. I was busy working on paperwork which I needed to complete. I was just finishing up. I was fully engrossed with putting letters into envelopes to stamp, address and walk to the mail box.
I had noticed what a wonderful breezy morning it was as I glanced out the large front window. It almost made me stop to admire the beautiful palms and Bird of Paradise out the front window swaying in the breeze.
It was then out of nowhere I heard it.
A mans voice almost directly behind me, said very clearly, "hello".
I stopped immediately and turned around fully expecting someone to be there! But who? I don't know that voice I thought in an instant, I've never heard that voice before. It sounded as if it were someone in their 50's perhaps, not young but, not old!
As I turned to look, "no one was there"!
Because the voice sounded so strange to me, I did not reply to answer it. Being a demonologist, I am very careful to whom or what I interact with.  I choose to not respond.
I stood up now and walked into the living room, I could feel a presence but I saw nothing.
I waited a moment as I stood there, feeling the energy in the room. Finally I said out loud, In the name of JESUS leave this home NOW!
I immediately felt the energy leave.
I welcomed the Holy Spirit into the home and asked that HE search out the entire home and cleanse it immediately. I knew what I had heard was not kosher at all. It wasn't anyone here in the land of the living. It had to go immediately!
Why do I share this? What do you need to know of this?
Simply this.
Never speak to an entity that comes upon you suddenly.
There are spiritual energies out there that want your attention. But what you focus on is your business, not theirs!
Always be in charge and in full control when something strange happens to you. Don't let fear over take you. Keep your head about you. Look for obvious answers. Debunk it if you can and if you cannot, MOVE ON! Go to the only one who can help, and is always available instantly ONLY JESUS has the power and authority you need to take hold of the situation. HE is in the spiritual realm, HE has full authority and can deliver you instantly from any form of attack. We simply only need to call on Him! ANY FORM of attack at all! The wonderful news is also, he will give you His peace to walk through the moment. You are truly never alone!
After I called on the Holy Spirit, I simply went back to work.
I didn't give this stranger a moment of my time.
This is our time to live, this is our reality, not theirs!
There are surely spirits about just as there are Angels and other forms of energy, be in control! Take the authority and control of your own life.
Being alone by yourself and having something attack you is never easy, but at least come well equipped to the fight!
Be at peace.

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