Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Intersection of Dimensions

So, the weather in Florida has been at unprecedented rain fall levels for the past three weeks. July and August of 2015 have set new records throughout the State. It was reported that the steady rainfall hasn't been this serious in over 70 years. With that being said, I have been watching the retaining wall disappear over the last three weeks and the Lake in our back yard rise higher and higher towards the house. 
Knowing that there are alligators living in the Lake has made me a bit uncomfortable, since there is no secure wall dividing the Lake from my back yard.  The deck I usually enjoy my morning coffee on disappeared over two weeks ago. It succumbed to the rising water. The table and swing on the deck are still slightly visible as the water has come up so high.
So, early this morning as I made my way to the back dining room window to check on the water levels of the lake I was surprised to see the gator on the grass in the back yard. It was so early the sun had just barely come up. The gator could hardly be seen between the shadows on the Lake from the early morning sunrise bouncing off the water.
But none the less, there he was.
Basking on the lawn which was at least four feet underwater.
I ran to get my camera as I saw him there just feet from the edge of the water.  I yelled for Kevin to come see the gator and to get a picture as well. We have been watching this gator grow up over the past few years as he has surfaced every now and then. He is still pretty small but he's twice the size of what he was just a year ago.
Kevin took his pictures through the back window, he was focusing his shot between the window and the early morning condensation that had covered the glass, but I crept outside to get a closer look and hopefully a close up picture. As I quietly opened the back sliding doors leading into the lanai, I whispered to Kevin as he stood at the window to be real quite so as not to disturb the gator.
I walked out towards the gator very slowly and clicked away several times. The flash was on on my camera and it lit up the back yard. The gator seemed to sit there and allow me to take his photo.
I was only out in the yard for a minute or two when the gator swung his tail abruptly on the water and made an immense splash and submerged from sight.
I screamed out loud, Wow! It took me by surprise as I watched this amazing creature swim away in a splash of  his intense power.
I was so excited! I got the picture!
As I turned to come back in the house from the darkness I saw Kevin in his dark blue robe walking away from the window and  into the living room. But, when I turned to look into the house through the other set of sliding glass doors I was shocked to see Kevin sitting on the couch watching T.V. and on his computer!
How was this possible? He's in two places at once!
It was frightening! Here I was so excited about the gator and now so instantly confused in the same moment as to what I was seeing.
How was this even possible? Dimensions were crossing here!
I was so excited about getting this amazing picture from the lake and NOW I was thrust into a paranormal moment. It was a feeling quite like none I have ever had before.
The perfect storm of emotional feelings, One very intense and high and the other confusing and frightening!
How was it possible to clearly see Kevin walking towards the living room through one set of sliding glass doors while he was already in the living room seated on the couch with his laptop on his lap and watching the T.V. which was clearly visible through the second set of sliding glass doors?
How does this happen?
I was speechless. I was in the moment of two very different emotional happenings. Two different worlds if you will.
I continued on into the house and approached the Kevin I saw sitting on the couch, I looked at him oddly to see if in fact it was him, I relayed what I was going through to him as he sat there, looking at me, and I asked him how this was possible?
He replied to me, "I have no idea". He didn't seem to believe me at that moment. That upset me deeply.
He suggested it was me possibly seeing my own shadow in the reflection of the glass, that I mistook for him, but it clearly was not a reflection of me I assured him, I clearly saw Kevin in his robe walking. Moving forward, I was standing still!
I saw Kevin walking away from the window in his dark blue robe  and I noticed his hair and his stride, it was clearly him!  Or a ghost of him? I was wearing a white robe, so if I would have seen my reflection it would have been stationary, because I wasn't moving, as I had just turned around, and it would have been a white reflection, or a lighter reflection on the glass door.
When I came into the house through the lanai sliding doors I beheld Kevin on the couch. I wondered for a moment, who is the real Kevin here? It made me tingle with an odd feeling. Where did his apparition go? It simply disappeared as I focused on the reflection of Kevin actually sitting on the couch!
I asked myself several times, how can this happen?
It's as if I was seeing him in some sort of altered time.
How is that possible?
It was like the perfect storm of paranormal and excitement meeting together and exploding into another dimension.
While I sit here writing this I am still overwhelmed by this incident.
I'm always grateful for how my life unfolds on a daily basis but I will say that with every new day I seem to experience something more bizarre than the day before.
This life we live is full of uncertainties and strange happenings.
Thank GOD I don't walk this journey alone!
So, please enjoy the picture I took this morning of the gator on the lake. It is the actual picture I took just before the paranormal intersected with my morning.
I thank GOD for HIS continued protection over me in this strange world we live in.
Never forget, Truth is stranger than Fiction!

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