Monday, December 22, 2014

Invitation to Eternal LIFE

I am often woken up at night by a male voice calling my name.
 HE never has to call me more than once. I hear my name,
and I immediately wake up. HE has my full attention as HE does each and every time HE calls me.
I am always amazed that HE never calls me by my full name, or legal name or even a nick name. HE always speaks to me as a dear and loved friend. HE always speaks what only needs to be said.
HIS second word to me is always the same as well.
 "Come" ,
And then I am off, engulfed by HIS light to wherever HE leads me. Be it here on earth or a place HE has chosen for me to visit or just view.
All of my experiences with HIM are started this same way
every time.
HIS great light enters the room, I see the powerful light, It's warm, trusting and so inviting. It envelopes me and HE calls my name. I don't see HIS face, I only see the amazing light.
I feel HIS presence. It is that of pure love! It's undeniable.
It is wholly amazing!
NEVER do I question HIS authority over me. NEVER do I deny HIM my attention. HE is all consuming, All knowing and ALL Love. I do not ever consider questioning HIM.
I have always been safe with HIM, HE teaches me and takes me to places I can barley describe.
My experiences are HIS choosing for me. I never ask for anything. I never make requests. I just listen and obey.
In HIS immense presence there is no place for questions. I stand before HIM in awe of HIS Majesty!  HE is all consuming and  HE commands your every cell to HIS attention!
I submit willingly and wonderfully I bow to HIM!
Why am I sharing this you might ask? Because there is nothing special about me. You've seen my pictures. You have read my experiences. I'm just like you.
Perhaps if there is a difference, then the only difference could be this, I choose to believe that HE is exactly who HE says HE is! I choose to relish in the fact that HE loves me, and I HIM.
Who am I speaking of you ask?
I am speaking of GOD Himself!
He comes to me in the personage of the HOLY SPIRIT.
The comforter HE promised to send through JESUS..
He kept HIS promise.
My life has been enriched and blessed because of the decision I made to simply believe.
Believe in HIM.
I didn't ask HIM to choose me, but HE did. I am chosen to share this very word with you, and NOW more specifically.
At this time of year, May HIS love find you believing in who HE is. May your heart be set free, may you live forever in knowing HIS tender mercies for you.
HE is what the world needs desperately in 2015 and beyond. I pray you come to know HIM as I have.
He is willing to have this personal relationship with all of us as HE has with me. Will you then be perfect?, No. Will you change overnight?, yes and no. You will live forever with HIM when you believe and accept HIM. Yes, you really will. But your journey will be different from any other journey, because it will be ONLY yours.
Merry Christmas! Please except this gift!
HE will make your New Year ahead and all that follow Good  for YOU!

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