Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Indentation

So, it was 1984, My days were filled with cleaning ,cooking and raising two boys. I was always doing laundry. Seemed like the minute the washing machine stopped running I was piling more into it for the next load.  
I loved being a mother and keeping a house, it was so rewarding. It was also a full time job!
One afternoon while attending to my chores I decided I would watch T.V. while folding a fresh load of laundry I had just taken out of the dryer. I put the laundry basket on the floor next to my bed. I went into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee and I came back to the bedroom to turn the T.V. on and get to task.
When I walked past the bed toward the T.V. I was shocked to see right before my very eyes my comforter sink in about 3 inches or so. I stopped dead in my tracks and starred at the indentation.
Someone or something just sat down on my bed right before my very eyes! How does that happen in broad daylight? I wanted to run but I stood my ground! I just kept starring to see if it was going to move. I felt mesmerized actually by this incident.
I watched this indentation happen. How was that possible? I was in the home alone. I just kept starring as I backed away from the T.V.
I walked back over to the bed and put my hand into the indentation and ran my hand back and forth. I thought to myself, someone is sitting there and yet I have my hand on the bed. I thought again to myself, can they see me? Who is it?
The hair on the back of my neck was standing up and I was thinking to myself, I wonder if this is going to make this entity mad? I'm not sure I want this thing or person to visualize. I became a bit more frightened at that point. I backed away from the bed and continued to stare at the indentation.
All of a sudden the indentation rose up from the bed and I was dumbfounded! Where did this person go? Are they in the room with me.
 Where are they, who are they? I commanded them out in the name of Jesus, I was shaking a bit when I said it, then I ran out of the room. I ran out the front door to the porch and stood in the sunlight wondering what I should do next.
I wanted to scream! That was a very frightening experience.
I kept asking over and over again, Why?  Who was that?
What was that?
I stayed outside on the porch for about 20 minutes praying and mustering up my strength. I walked back into the house. I never wanted these odd experiences to overtake me in fear. Even though they were really scary. And why did it always have to happen when I was alone? That made me mad! Like I was being taken advantage of. I would think, "Really LORD, Why me"?
I never got an answer to that question, it was like I was just suppose to stay open and learn. It always did increase my faith when I was tested in these experiences.
I went back into the bedroom and turned the T.V. on.  I wanted to hear real voices. Somehow that was comforting at that moment. I continued to fold my basket of clothes. I called my Mom just to hear her voice. I shared with her what had happened. She would always say the same thing when I shared things that were happening to me. She said, "it's a good thing you are so strong in the Lord Teri. That's unnerving"! She would also share odd things that had happened to her over her life time. I was always comforted just hearing another voice after going through something like this. 
She would say she had no idea why, but she was always there for me. She didn't have experiences much any more.
The rest of my day went along just as normal as if that experience hadn't even happened.
I have said this a thousand times if I've said it once, Truth is so much stranger than fiction!
We are here to learn, and I feel as if I have been in the school of life to learn that we are not alone here. We are never alone.
There is always another dimension right next to us, open and watching or interacting with us.
We just have to learn to understand it. 
Even the Bible say's there are Angels all around us, watching us and giving thanks when we choose the right path!
This life is an interesting school, Love and understanding are the rewards we take to the next level when we pass into the next life.

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