Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Night of Terror and Spiritual Education

It was 1979, late at night. It was another cool evening for the Florida winter. My youngest son Joshua was asleep in the house as was everyone else.
Because it was a cool night, I had the hall heater on, and we were all snuggled up in our beds. Joshua and his brother shared a room together down the hall from my husband and myself. The house was very quite. I could hear the heater making it's warming sounds. creaking and knocking, it wooed us to sleep.
I was awoken suddenly by the sounds of Joshua crying. He was distinguishable from his older brother when he cried. Tonight he sounded as if in a panic!
Before I could get up to go to him, little Joshua came bursting through our bedroom door, I was a very light sleeper and I heard him coming down the hall whimpering. I sat up in bed as he came to my side of the bed crying his little eyes out.
"Mommy, Mommy there's a man in my bedroom standing by my bed. I held Joshua close. He then said, he's staring at me". My son was shaking and at his young age this was alarming. I knew he was to young to have been making any of this up and his shaking was my proof he was truly frightened by something.
He was only 4 years old. 
I asked him where his brother was? He said "sleeping". He said, through his tears, "Mommy, I tried to wake him up" With that, I jumped up and headed down the hall with Joshua in my arms. 
I was very angry! I was also afraid for Jason being alone in the room with something or someone in there! But what was in there? I was going to find what this was and get it out of the house NOW!
I don't really understand to this day why, but my husband never got out of bed for these things. I believe he knew I would take care of whatever it was, or perhaps he wasn't able to wake from his sleep, so he never really helped me as I fought these spiritual battles!
 (The marriage only lasted 12 years.)
I went into the boys dark bedroom, I saw nothing, so I threw on the lights and stood there. It felt different in the room from the hall and my bedroom.  
However, I saw nothing!
Jason was sound asleep lying on his bed and seemed very peaceful.
He had not been woken up by Joshua's crying and prodding. I was grateful for that,  but also angry that he was alone in the room with this entity or spirit or demon, while Joshua had come into my room for help. It was just a creepy thought!
I asked Joshua where the man was standing, and he pointed to the area between his bed and the window. I asked him what the man looked like? Why did he scare you?
He said the man was all white and he could see through him. He said he had a scary smile and he starred at him.
It was as if this was a ghostly entity of some kind he had described to me. He was much to young to make this up. 
Joshua was so afraid. He didn't want to be back in this room. I could see the fear in his eyes. His eyes were darting around the room as if this fearful entity was going to come back.
I assured Joshua, he would not come back.
He was holding on to me so tight. I was sure he wasn't going to sleep in that room again for the evening, and I didn't want him to! 
 I had him hold onto my pajama as I picked up his brother and walked them both back into my bedroom. I laid both boy's in the bed with my husband, covered them up in the blankets, and told them to stay there.
I was ready to face this entity, NOW!
Why had it come? Why would it attack my baby?
I was beyond angry!
I went back into the bedroom and commanded the entity to leave in the name of JESUS, even though I couldn't see anything I felt something alright. And I wanted it out! Sometimes feelings are all I'll get in an experience, even if I don't see what the victim sees. The hair on the back of my neck was standing straight up! I did this as I prayed in the Spirit and cleansed the room. I felt the power come over me as I felt the entity leave.
Everything felt immediately better. It was gone. I was sure.
I had had a lot of trouble with this area of the home. It seemed there was a very strong spiritual connection in the area of this back bedroom. I didn't understand at the time why it was there?
But I could feel it.
I would often walk into the room and feel the energy. Because I didn't have another room big enough in the house for the two boys to sleep in I was forced to make this work. It was concerning, and always in the back of my mind. Something must have happened in the house in this room. Both the owners were dead, so I was unable to find anything out about the home. I believe the husband may have died in this room. There was a strange spiritual attachment to this house here in this room that presented a constant battle. I knew the wife did not die here as she died 6 months after I purchased the home from her. I cleansed the room frequently, as the spiritual battle would come and go.
I was a demonologist, not by choice, but by necessity.
When your children are being attacked, you learn quickly how to cleanse a room.
In the past through an experience I had had an entity had gone into the boys room from my bedroom and slammed their bedroom door! LOUDLY!
It was one of the most frightening experiences I had ever had!
It's never easy dealing with a power that moves objects and has the where with all to slam doors, shape shift and scare you frozen in fear, but that's what I have grown up with.
Now these entity's were showing themselves to my baby. It had already shown itself to my older son and myself!
You either get mad and get educated or move out of the house!
Demonic attacks are frustrating to deal with, and it looks as if my children are going to be demonologists as well!
My anger was off the charts that night. How could this be? Why did it continue to return and taunt us? What had we done?
It was obviously a strong entity!
Each time I would take control of the negative energy, but it did seem to return again after 6 months or so. I know understand more than I did then. Demons are on the hunt for souls.
I realized that this is a battle! A spiritual battle! Not just a one time quick freak out and fix. It's ongoing throughout our lives to some degree or another. Strange things just don't stop happening!
I stood my ground and fought against this entity and others.  I was not going to give in or let it have control over any of us or our home. I continued to pray! It always brought peace.
Unfortunately my husband didn't understand what was happening at all and didn't give it much thought. I was fighting alone. It was a good learning experience for me, but I often thought perhaps the fight would be sooner won if I had someone helping me fight!
Through all of my experiences I found that although the entities would return, there is only so much they can actually do. 
We have authority over them in the Spirit.
They appear in a certain place in a home because of the energy that is or was there at one time or another, OR they are trying to enter to take possession of someone or something.
The only way to overcome the issue is
tenacity, consistency, Faith and Prayer!
I did get the victory over these harassing spirits eventually.
I have learned to never give up, and I never let my guard down either!
To this day I do not allow any of these entity's a moment to speak or have any authority at all. If you entertain them, you give them a foothold. And that's exactly what the want. These are the schemes of the wicked ones. I am zero tolerance minded of their antics.  I don't entertain them or try to gather information from them.
 I deliver people from the harassing spirits and cleanse homes. For the cost of my gas and a cup of coffee I am available pretty much everywhere!
Spirits are not who or what you think they are. They are deceptive, manipulative and some can shape shift. YES, they can shape shift, and do reek havoc on weaker or unprepared, uneducated and fearful individuals.
We live in a very strange world. Nothing is as it seems.
And Truth is always so much stranger than fiction.
If you need my help, I am here for you!

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