So, I woke up yesterday, Wednesday, July 29th, just as I do everyday (Thank GOD!) and I headed out into the kitchen to start my coffee.
We had a little visitor stay with us over night and I wanted to get some breakfast ready for her.
It was then I noticed a strange smell in the house.
I stopped in my tracks and tried to identify it.
It was hard to describe really. It smelled like it was someone else's house I was standing in! It was as if while I slept last night this house reverted back to the previous owners house, or at least the smell of their house.
I know this sounds strange, but I have a very sensitive and keen sense of smell. Have you ever gone into your neighbors home who has a dog or cat and noticed that their house does not smell the same as yours, It's their unique smell?
How about going into a home where they use moth balls? You really do notice these things momentarily as you enter other peoples homes.
Well, here I stood in the middle of the living room with this look on my face like what the heck is this all about!
I stood there for a moment and realized that this was the smell of the house when I first entered it 3 years ago before much of the house was repaired and updated. I recognized it now!
Kind of musty and old. There were old drapes originally and miss matched furniture, old carpets and unpainted cabinets that were out of date. The walls needed painting and floors needed updating as well as bathrooms renewed, it was just old.
So as I stood there I realized that someone from the previous owners was with me in the room.
But why? I was all of a sudden very aware of their presence.
So I said out loud, "Oh no, in the name of JESUS you have to go, "now",
your time here is over, this is my time to live here"!
It was then I heard Kevin's mother say to me. "Thank you".
I thought to myself, What? For what?
I felt her say again, "thank you for polishing my silver and loving my home, for caring so deeply for this space, my home.
I said out loud to her "you're very welcome and now you must leave"!
With that the smell was gone! Instantly, gone.
I now smelled the fresh clean home I had grown to love these past 3 years, the smell of fragrance candles and clean floors, my leather couches and other things we worked hard to acquire that all contributed to the familiar smells of this present home.
I continued on my way into the kitchen and made the French press coffee I love so much.
As the day went on I mentioned briefly to my little visitor while we were chatting, what had happened earlier today and what I experienced. I shared that I thought it was her grandmother who was here with me in the early morning hours while she slept. She smiled and said she remembered the smell when her grandmother lived here in the house. She said it was musty and old because of her grandmothers illness she was unable to keep the home clean and it made an impression on her also as a child.
With that we gathered our things and headed out of the house and off to a movie and enjoyed the rest of the day together.
Later that evening when Kevin came home from work his daughter mentioned to him what had happened here in the house to me earlier this morning.
He inquired of me as to what happened. I was standing in the kitchen cooking dinner when he asked me about the happening and I walked into the living room to answer his question. I started telling him about how I woke up to a strange smell in the house and then I heard his mother speak to me. That's as far as I got!
Just as I said that to him all the power in the kitchen and the living room shut off, EXCEPT the stove in the kitchen and the flat screen T.V. in the living room. This was odd because had a fuse blown the entire rooms power would go down! Not just a part of it. My chicken was still cooking in the kitchen on the stove and yet the entire kitchen was dark. The T.V. on the wall was still on but the rest of the room was dark. All the bedrooms and the rest of the house were fine!
All the lights were on.
His daughter jumped up off the couch and ran to her daddy's side.
I wasted no time and again I said out loud, "In JESUS name you must leave NOW"!
Kevin said, "do we have to send my mom out"? I said "absolutely"!
While it's wonderful to have these moments that connect us to the relationships we shared here, we must understand, it isn't healthy to allow these moments to last more than a second. This is not where the departed should reside any longer. And who is to say, they may allow other subjects to enter the home as well?
With that Kevin checked the breakers and all the lights came back on.
Other dimensional visitors do have some power and can turn electrical things on and off. Just don't allow them to stay. Some can be adamant about visiting and revisiting. We here are in control however, in JESUS name ONLY.
Give it over to JESUS, these situations belong to HIM and HE will be victorious where we cannot be. Spirits do not listen to us, but they have to listen to HIM!
It was a nice visit, I'm glad it's over!
And again "You're welcome Anna, It's my pleasure"!