Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Choice

So, what are the secrets to the universe?
Why are we here?
What's it all about?
Many people have moments in their life when they ask these same questions.
I'll bet you've asked yourself these questions many times over in your life. Or maybe you haven't yet.
They have made movies about these questions. They have songs as well. So, it must be a question worth asking yourself, right?
I know I've asked more than once in my lifetime. I've pondered this subject at great length!
Why are there bad things that happen to good people?
Why is there war?
Why isn't it ever fair?
Why can't everybody just tell the truth?
It's really a simple but painful answer. One that seems too easy....
Yes, choice. The big reason you're here is all about the choices you make while you're here.
Believe it or not, you won't be here forever.
So the choices you make now will have eternal consequences!
No one gets out of life alive. We will all pass through that "Veil".
Really stop and think about that.
Have you ever allowed yourself to have this conversation with yourself?
A day is coming and "no one" knows that day. They never have and they never will know "that day" until it arrives.  History proves this. (that alone should get your attention) It is as sure as the sun rising and setting on a daily basis. You well know however, it is ever before you, until that day arrives.
When it does, that's the day we are free from making choices as we know them because then we  will face the sum of our choices thus far.
We are quickly becoming what we will always be in eternity!
While we wear the identifiable skin here that binds us to the earth there are many decisions we face daily.
How to, where to, why to, when to....choose our choices.
We are spiritual beings on a human dimensional journey.
We are wonderfully made.
The choices we make prepare us for the next step. The one beyond. The one every one wonders about from time to time in this life.
Everybody has their own belief about it. You have yours, I have mine., it's just another choice we have all already made.
So, when things happen here in this life, how we choose to entertain the happening is how we come to our belief structure.
Do we complain? Do we accept? Do we learn? Do WE change?
Do we understand?
It's all a matter of choice.
We are free will agents here to choose as we will.
Let me add here, we must choose wisely.
The day's for making choices are numbered like the hairs on your head are numbered!
Because we know there is more, we understand that, we know once we die we move on into the next spiritual realm.
Or maybe you don't know that?
That's a choice you'll have to make. Or not.
Ask yourself this, why are you here? What do you think this is all about?
There is Love, hate, paranormal, spiritual, extraterrestrial and truth
in this life.
You are here to find this to be so.
You are hear to find love and understand it.
You are here to experience hate and learn from it.
You are here to see all that there is here.
And then to make your choice.
We are all here to know the truth, but we will not all find it.
Whom will you serve in your conquest while you are here?
Love or hate?
The choice is yours.

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