Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Kiss From Above

So, it was 1977 and I was at a weekly home church meeting in Clearwater Florida with my family and some very dear friends.
My children, two boys, were very young. Three and five year olds.
They loved getting together with all their friends and were
in one of the other rooms in the large house with all the other children playing, coloring and watching videos.
We adults had been at the meeting for a couple of hours and had been singing and jamming on worship songs. It was a really wonderful fun filled time, as I so enjoyed singing and hanging out together with everybody.
As we all stood up to pray before the close of the meeting I remember that one of the pastors had said we would all give thanks for all that we had been blessed with in this life thus far.
I was immediately overwhelmed with a feeling of thanksgiving.
My life was beyond blessed I thought to myself. I had so much to be thankful for how does one begin to express this to such a great God I wondered?
I closed my eyes and prayed along with the rest of the gang and entered into a wonderful peaceful place spiritually.
There was an abundance of serenity. It was like floating. It really felt warm and wonderful. Safe and loving.
We all started singing very softly as it was evident that I was not the only person in the room feeling very connected with the Holy Spirit.
I felt as if I could just cry it was so peaceful. I whispered inwardly to the LORD how very grateful I was for HIS love and great care of me and my family.
Then something really bizarre and odd happened. I felt a touch on my face on my left cheek, almost like a kiss.
Yes, it was exactly like a kiss. Like a Daddy would give his little girl. It was amazing. It was so powerfully felt I started to cry and spoke right out loud in the meeting and said, "I felt a kiss on my face".
Everyone smiled, we all opened our eyes slowly. Others said they had felt a very similar experience at times when the spirit was overwhelming as it was tonight.
I was deeply moved. That had never happened before that nor since that time again.
How wonderful it is to experience  love like that from the Father.
I will always be grateful for the memory of that day.

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