Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Fear for a Night

So, I was very young and living in Wisconsin. It was a cold evening as I remember. My sister and I had a bedroom in the attic of our new home that we shared. The rest of the family slept on the second floor. We were five years apart my sister and I. She is the older. This upper room was always very quiet. It was also one floor away from the bathroom, so getting around in the dark at night was never any fun. Since it was lights out at 7:00p.m. back then.
I remember waking up one night in the cold winter and in the moonlight from a gable window in our small bedroom, the light from the moon was beaming in. It was so bright! It was so pretty!
I'm pretty sure it was the moon light anyway?
That would have been no big deal, except that the light was illuminating my sister, completely. She was not lying in bed under her covers as I  would have thought her to be, she was actually sitting on the edge of her bed with her feet dangling over the side and starring out the small window into the moonlight with her eyes wide open and with I could see a very scary half smile on her face.
It was as if she were transfixed on something.  She seemed to be in a freeze frame almost, she wasn't even blinking. I was to young to know if she was asleep sitting there or what was happening to her. I remember being overcome with a horrifying fear. Her face scared me being so transfixed so I yelled out to her several times to stop smiling like that, stop it, and lay down and go back to sleep. I remember telling her to "Stop scaring me", stop it right now! After I had said it for the fourth time she blinked. But did not move. Her face expressions never altered as if she were truly frozen like that.
Nothing moved. Not her smile not her hands or her feet. she was just staring out the window in the moonlight.
I was completely creeped out by her behavior. The moon had lit her face up and I was so transfixed looking at her. It was so unlike anything that had ever happened before. It was so scary actually. I could not look away.  She seemed to be communicating with someone, but I couldn't see anyone.
What was she looking at? I was much to afraid to look myself.
I just wanted her to stop smiling like that!
All of a sudden with out any prodding from me, she laid back down and said "goodnight". She was fast asleep and I was left sitting in my bed still watching her, I was absolutely frightened to death.  I was wrapped up in my covers. I remember that I ran over to her bed and shook her because I was crying and afraid and I said stop what your doing your scaring me. She woke up and looked at me as if I were nut's and said, "Teri stop it, get in your bed and get to sleep. Leave me alone. What are you talking about"? Then she said it again to me, Get to bed, leave me alone.
I didn't understand, how could she not remember what she had just taken part in? Didn't she know she was sitting there staring out the window?
Because she was older than me I remember thinking, "she told me twice to leave her alone, maybe I better leave her alone".
With that and being about 4 years old, I climbed back into my bed and laid there crying and afraid and finally fell asleep. I remember not wanting to look at her anymore it was so scary. I was really shaken by what had just happened.
I will never forget that night as  long as I live. I hadn't known fear until that night and it changed everything for me. I didn't know it existed! I have later found out that my sister does not sleep walk. She wasn't sleep sitting that night either. Something entirely different was happening to her. I have shared this story with her but she doesn't remember much of it. We were both so young. It's something that made a profound impression on me.
Spiritual and extraterrestrial happenings don't just all of a sudden happen to us, they have been happening to us since childhood. We usually forget about these things as our lives move on and we grow up. We don't want to remember the fear and we don't want to even talk about it. I know I didn't want to. I wanted to just forget about the whole thing. But I never could! I  have not been able to forget and have a better memory I think because I questioned everything that happened to me as a child.
Today I see clearly what was going on.
It's all part of a lifelong experience.
Extraterrestrials have been in my life for as long as I can remember.
I encourage you to try to remember your early experiences. I'm sure you have suppressed them if you don't remember them.
There is so much more to this life than what meets the eye!
Even on a cold dark night in a attic bedroom!
We are spiritual beings on a human journey.....Remember?

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