Tuesday, February 20, 2018


So, it was 1987. It was a very warm summer evening.
I had gone to bed that night later than normal, but except for that, it was just like any other night. 
As the night progressed  however, it was unfolding very differently from those other nights.
I woke up around 3:00am in the morning and tried to move. I was unable to. I thought to myself, "get up silly, you need to use the restroom"! I didn't seem alarmed that I could not move. I always drink so much coffee before I go to bed every night, that I rarely make it through the night before I have to get up.
This night was no exception.
But I couldn't get up!
So I concentrated on moving a bit, my arms were frozen to my sides. I kept on trying to move, not really thinking to much about it, as I was in a fog from being so sound asleep.
I don't ever sleep on my back however, I am a side sleeper and  I did think it odd I was on my back, but I didn't dwell on it at that moment. Nothing was making sense. I wasn't overly concerned.
Again I said to myself, "Teri, get up"!
I am a very tenacious soul and since I wasn't moving anything at all, I said one more time to myself, "get up"! With that my body sat up in bed and I was able to move a bit. I rubbed my eyes, my arms felt very heavy, really weird, and then I threw my legs over the side of the bed.
I thought to myself, ok, here we go!
As I went to stand up, I fell on the floor, by hitting the side of my bed and bouncing straight down to the carpet!
My legs were like jelly. I had no use of them at all!
What the heck was this, I thought?
I was now fully sprawled out on the floor and unable to move at all! I thought to myself, "what the heck is going on here"?
My arm hit the dresser, but just barley as I fell to the ground.
I tried to move my arms again, they would not move!
Now, I was afraid! Very afraid! AND MAD!
What the heck is going on here I thought again? What is causing this? This has never happened before to me and I am not drunk so, how does this happen to someone? Why me?
My eyes were opened and I could clearly see myself laying on the floor! I could not seem to speak though, all my commands to myself were coming from my thoughts!
I lay there on the floor for I don't remember how long, getting more upset about all this, feeling all alone and concerned! Then I said to myself again, in a strong and somewhat angry voice "get up"!
I was wedged a bit between the bed and my nearby dresser. My arm had hit the dresser as I went down to the floor, but I didn't seem to be hurt, this was awkward, but I didn't feel any pain anywhere. Knowing I was basically ok,
I said again, "Teri, get up"!
And with that, my arm control came immediately back. I pushed my upper body up off the floor. I was able to rise to a full standing position instantly! I carefully took one step forward, then another. Testing out my legs as I moved. I felt a tad bit shaky but for the most part, I was moving forward with no issue.
I headed out of my bedroom and to the restroom.
I appeared to be one hundred percent normal again.
I headed back to bed and before I lay back down, I stood there for a moment, in the dark, wondering if I wanted to get back into bed again? Would I be able to get back out?
My voice was back and I said out loud now, what the heck is this all about?
I am used to having strange things happen to me, but never like this! I'm not a drinker and I don't use drugs, so how did this happen I wondered? Was it an abduction that I was paralyzed from? Was it a spiritual battle I had been fighting? Was something there just before I woke up that had caused this to happen to me?
I still to this day do not know exactly what happened, but I can say with all honesty, it has never happened again! Not before that day, and not since.
We live in such a strange world with so many different dimensions, I believe, somehow, I woke before my experience was over that night. I awoke and took a mind over matter approach to standing up, and it worked.
The take away here is our minds are so much stronger than we understand. We hold amazing powers within us.
Truth is stranger than all fiction!
Be careful what you say when you talk to yourself, your whole body is listening!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

In Tune

So, I am simply amazed as I write this post tonight. I can hardly believe what has happened myself. As I contemplate all the vibrations on this planet, I must say I am blessed and utterly blown away at how intricately everything is connected.
If we look for it!
I have a little bracelet I wear every day, all the time and even to bed. I looked at it as I was in my office working, thinking to myself, I just love this little bracelet. I've worn it for years. I was amazed at how it glistened and blessed me. Such a sweet little trinket. Not expensive, but so loved.
So, I was sitting in my office that same day, about a week ago, when all of a sudden I thought very clearly of my youngest son.
Well, you may think, what's so strange about that?
Well, my youngest son and I have had many issues over the years and we don't talk much. I am a firm disciplinarian and he is a firm rebellious child, youngster, teenager, man.
No one could love him more than I, however we agree to disagree about many things. So we don't talk much.
So here I am, feverishly working away at my desk a week ago and out of the seemingly blue, his name comes to mind.
I whisper up a prayer for him as I'm sure, he's probably going to be calling me soon, and may need my help. It feels odd though.
Really odd.
Sure enough, to the day a week later, I get a text and a picture sent to me. He is very ill. So ill, that he has already been to the hospital, been on medication and is now wondering what his next step will be. I plan to see him the next day and spend time going over what has taken place, and what he should perhaps do next.
I had planned in the evening of this day, the day that all the news came to me about my son, to go to a friends birthday dinner party. So my husband and I went to dinner with the Birthday group and had a wonderful time, even though I was very prayerful throughout the evening for my son.
I was seated next to a woman who grabbed my arm at the party and said to me, "what a lovely bracelet, it's so sweet and glistens so"! I thanked her and agreed with her and told her it was my absolute favorite bracelet.
It was at that very minute the thought came to me that I would not have this bracelet much longer. I laughed to myself and thought, how ridiculous is that? Why would that silly thought come to me now? I ran my hand over the beads and smiled. I've had this little treasure for such a long time! I just love it!
Then I put the thought away from me, and laughed at myself for thinking it.
We stayed at the party much later than we should have, and headed home, dead tired!
As I lay in bed that night, before I went to see my son, I heard the LORD remind me of many things through the years that I have shared with my son. Things he did not want to hear. Hard things for me to share with him. Things I knew he needed to hear. I was concerned for him deeply and prayed in the SPIRIT that the LORD would grant him favor and healing. It was no small prayer!
The LORD prepared me that night for what I was to do, what I was to say and what to bring along with me as I visited, as I would have some alone time with him.
I woke that morning and did as I was instructed by the LORD.
I gathered the things together to take to him and I jump in the car to head out.
I head out to see him, a sixty mile drive one way to his home, praying all the way there, asking for wisdom and guidance.
Praying I am in tune with what the LORD wants me to do!
I find once I get there that I am immediately in tune with his needs and in fact have already met them!
GOD is so good!
It was as if what the LORD showed me the night before was clearly what was needed. I had a wonderful visit and talk with my son and felt we would be seeing a lot more of each other now.
It was so good to see him. I was receiving a lot of incoming information from the LORD as I sat and spoke with my son and watched him as we laughed and had a good visit.
It just blessed me.
I made the long trip home from my son's house and contemplated all that had taken place.
After more prayer and pondering I was very tired and ready for bed! I was grateful for such a wonderful day.
That night, as I got ready to go to bed, I threw the covers back to jump in the sac and I see all these glistening beads all over the sheets. I thought to myself, what the heck is this? I quickly look at my arm and I see that as I slept the night before wrestling with what I was going to do and say, talking with the LORD, my bracelet of all these years, broke! I hadn't even been aware of it all day! It had broken through the night and all the little beads were everywhere on the sheets!
I remembered how this silly little bracelet was a part of this whole process with my son. How it all started from me admiring it. Then the thought of my son came to me, then the text, then the prayers, then the healing, then the woman at the party and now, just as I thought, I don't have my little bracelet any longer!
How strange is this life?
It never ceases to amaze me.
The lesson here, the take away. Is all about my son.
Forgiving and letting go so that life can take it's own path.
The glistening gems of life and how GOD is in all the details.
He gives and takes away. ONLY HE can.
I am blown away. There are lessons everywhere, if we will just pay attention to the small things.