I lived in St. Petersburg Florida as a young girl going to school.
I was attending Azalea Elementary at the time I experienced this very strange happening.
I remember many odd things happening to me at a very young age. Most were extremely bizarre as I look back at them now. At the time, I didn't know what bizarre meant. I also didn't know that it was happening to me and not everyone else! I thought everyone had these "incidences" happening to them. So I believed it was normal. It was certainly normal to me! I found it strange that no one ever mentioned anything to me about them having odd experiences however. I always waited for someone to say something first. I thought, sooner or later someone will share something with me, then I will share what happened to me. That day wouldn't come for many years.
So, I was in the 5th grade and walking home from school one day, I lived farther than most of the other children from school so I was alone, as usual, for about nine or so blocks on my trek home everyday.
While heading home alone on this day,
I heard a mans voice call my name?
I clearly heard it, right in my left ear, "Teri". It seemed as if he were right behind me, and extremely close. His voice seemed real friendly, definitely a mans voice, and he seemed older, like maybe he was someone who knew me,
so I wasn't alarmed at all.
I stopped walking, and looked around. I didn't see anybody behind me. I fully expected to see a man standing there, someone I knew because the voice seemed friendly, but there was no one in sight.
I wondered why I had heard my name called? It didn't make any sense. I walked toward home many times after school alone and never heard anyone call my name before. "Nobody around here even knows me", I thought to myself. Oh well, I thought, It didn't seem to alarm me at all. There was no friendly man anywhere so I just kept on walking,
I didn't get much further down the sidewalk and I hear the voice call to me again. Same voice, "Teri" clearly in my left ear! But again I saw no one! And again, I wasn't really startled, I don't know why I wasn't afraid. It somehow seemed like a friendly voice.
When I stopped again this time, I was next to a big green bush I passed everyday walking home. I remember this so clearly and completely, as I always stopped here to smell the leaves on this particular bush. (I would crack the leaves in half and smell the wonderful fresh fragrance of the plant. I just loved the fresh, clean scent. I would always grab a few to crack and smell as I walked home. I don't know why I did this, I just always did).
As I stood there smelling the leave I had just cracked open, I kept looking around. Where was that mans voice coming from? I looked in the yard beyond the green bush, no one was there. I looked across the street, no one was there either. No one behind me, but the voice sounded as if it were in my ear. So close. Just then a car drove by and I remember thinking, everything is OK, there is no one here, so I kept walking again. This time though I remember thinking "where is this voice coming from"?
Then I heard the voice again, It clearly said, "Teri" a third time! It then continued, "are you going to be a good girl or a bad girl"? Well that was a silly question I thought to myself and
I said right out loud as I continued walking down the sidewalk, "Oh, I'm going to be a good girl", (very matter of fact, I said this as if it were an actual well known fact)! and I kept on walking towards home. I didn't even stop to answer. I just kept on walking.
I have literally wondered about this incident all my life!
WHY would a voice I could not see poise this question to me on my walk home from school in broad daylight?
While I was just a child?
I had answered as if I were talking to the "Man or Person" asking me this question, but I was very sure there was no one there. I know I never saw anyone! I had simply heard a voice.
I never told my Mom about this, and I'm not sure why.
It was just another strange incident in my life that never really made any sense to me. I often kept these odd happenings to myself. I will never understand why I didn't confide in my Mom. That has never made any sense to me. It's as if these odd things would happen and I would simply ignore them.
They became so common place.
Maybe you have had this sort of odd thing happen to you?
I guess I could say I've always known I would be "Good".
It was in my heart to be good from an early age, I don't understand why I knew this, but I did. I remember other strange affirmations of this, and on this day in my life I spoke that into the universe very matter of fact!
Life is clearly not as it appears to be. Seems we have choices to make in this life that we are aware of at a very young age. There are many things that happen to us along our path from birth to death that we may never truly understand. This was one of them for me.