Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A New Eureka for today

So, I was sound asleep last night October 13th, 2015 having a strange dream and I woke up for just a brief moment to hear the LORD speaking to me.
This has happened many times over my life so I don't freak out when this happens anymore. I have come to expect it and am always extremely grateful for the exchange and vocal visitation.
I had been having a very troubling dream which isn't odd for me at all but this dream was as if I were partially awake.
Dreams can feel very real. But they are still just dreams. Many people confuse dreams for reality especially upon waking.
Dreams never usually mean what they seem to, but the dream specifically belongs to the dreamer for sure, and each dream must be examined upon waking for it's true meaning.
Had I not known for sure I was dreaming and then woke up I would have been a bit confused myself. I hate it when that happens.
You have to know the difference, it's very important, otherwise we would all live in dreamland.
My dream was that I had been frightened by someone approaching me in the dream and appearing as someone he was not. He spoke to me and even got into my bed pretending he was someone I knew and loved. Then in my dream I realized this in fact was not my good friend at all. Startled and concerned, I woke up.
I sat straight up in bed now I was sure I was fully awake.
This person in my dream was Just  someone appearing to be my friend. He was not there to be friendly towards me.
Now sitting up and rubbing my eyes, I heard the LORD say to me,
"Do you see how they shape shift", 
"Was this your friend"?,  I answered the LORD out loud as I sat on my bed and said, "No", it wasn't"!
He said then to me, "This is Truth".
It was as if HE answered me in a parable,
that just vibrated through me and illuminated my understanding as I thought through the dream, when HE spoke to me.
I had an epiphany! I realized I had clarity on this from the LORD.
I realize this is my answer. (I pray you can find yours!)
I understood the LORD to have told me that the spirits who come to us are  actually demons that can shape shift. right before our eyes. 
They are NOT spirits of our loved ones if they materialize!
When we think we are seeing spirits of someone we knew in this life, or we  currently know, and they are not physically actually here with us, we are clearly being tricked by demons and their well planned schemes. They are very clever at this deception. They lead us willing down a destructive road. We follow because we are so curious. Deeper and deeper into a false reality.
I sat there on the bed for a moment and pondered what I had just heard.
I have always believed that everything created was created by GOD.
I also believe that there are Angels, Demons, Aliens,  other species. and Humans, In that order, that were created as well.
The LORD had just pointed out clearly to me that ghosts, spirits and ethereal sightings are actually demonic in nature. They trick us. They shape shift. They deceive us. This may seem hard to believe. But I know this is TRUTH.
So what are DEMONS?
Truthfully, they are nothing more than fallen angels. Who have been sent here to destroy, lie and deceive. They live in the heaven we see with our eyes. The first heaven if you will. The sky as we see and know it. They have been assigned this destiny for a season.
How can this be possible? The Bible gives the account that Satan, the ruler of the fallen angels and the father of lies, was cast down to  earth from heaven, with a third of angels assigned to his care who also "fell" along with him from where the LORD of Glory abides. His name once he fell at that point was changed from Lucifer (A covering Arch angel) to satan or the devil.
His cohort who fell with him became demons.
He was cast here to serve an allotted time and seasons on the earth.
Which the time allotted is not certain and no man knows.
He is called the prince small "P" and power small "P" of the air. He has dominion over the first heaven. That is the sky we see with the naked eye.
The second heaven is the cosmos, the third is where GOD dwells as I mentioned earlier.
He and his entourage are free to roam about looking for those to devour. Not physically, but spiritually with lies and tricks and schemes.
So why has this epiphany come now regarding that satan himself is behind all the deception, not ghosts or spirits?  Well, I firmly believe that as I seek and ask GOD to reveal truth to me,
HE will. And HE has.
So why is this significant? Because many people are  being tricked and even tortured by seeing spirits, ghosts and the like thinking them to be who they claim or appear to be. They are not who they say they are. They are deceiving people. They have only your soul in mind to destroy from receiving the Truth. The allotted time makes them crafty and cruel. You think you see a loved one, it's clearly not a loved one.
It is their image, it is even their voice, but it is not them.
Each of us needs to look into this truth for ourselves. It will come to you as a revelation from the LORD. Or not.
But if you Ask, Seek and Knock for truth, GOD will answer you.
As HE has me. But don't believe me, find out for yourself.
I know there are psychics and teachers who will strongly disagree with me. That's OK.
Truth is always stranger than fiction!

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