Sunday, August 2, 2015

Wall Banging

So, it was July 31st, 2015. Another rainy day in Florida.
I'm home alone and I have many things to accomplish today.
The rain had been 19 days in a row here thus far this month. Today for a few hours it wasn't raining. I took this opportunity to mow the very long grass that had grown in our yard.
I started in the back yard and then went towards the front of the house. When I got to the front of the house right near the front  bathroom area, a huge snake scampered across my path.
It was pretty big and very long. The sound of the mower obviously frightened him and he raced off towards the berm in the front yard almost directly under my feet! I couldn't tell if he was a water moccasin or a black snake he moved so quickly. I watched for him constantly as I finished mowing the rest of the yard, but I was glad I never saw him again.
I went into the house after mowing and jumped into the shower, it was so hot and humid I was just covered in sweat.
I needed that shower and immediately!

About an hour or so later,
I decide to go into the front bathroom to start on my hair. I wanted to flat iron my hair because it's been so damp here all month I was sick of my frizzy looking hair.
I plugged in the flat iron and stood in front of the mirror in my front bathroom now. Before I could even get the comb in my hair something frightening happened.
All of a sudden, three very loud banging's were heard throughout the entire house. It shook the bathroom wall. They came from the outside bathroom wall.
Right next to where I was standing!
The sounds clearly came from the front of the house, But how, they were so loud! It was so very loud I thought it sounds like someone was out front banging bricks on the wall.
That just didn't make any sense.
Who would do that in broad daylight I thought to my self, as my mind raced, and I tried to make sense of this.
I stood there for a moment just mystified.
The banging's lasted about three seconds in total.
It so startled me that after another second or so passed I ran to the front living room window immediately to look to see what that banging could possibly be? 
It was like someone had a bat hitting the wall! Seriously! I expected to see the wall broken.
There was no one there! No one running off. I thought maybe it was a prank of a neighbors child? Not that that had ever happened before. There was no one anywhere at all to be seen!
I saw the cat looking rather traumatized on the front window sill.
She was backed up into the corner of the window. She was staring in the direction of where the banging had come from. Exactly where I thought, the bathroom area!
She looked frozen and afraid.
I went back to the bathroom for a moment and the banging  happened a second time, This time I only heard it once. I ran as the banging was happening to the front window and again looked out. The cat was now gone from the window sill, and again,
I saw NO ONE there!
This is exactly where that snake was I thought to myself!
Could that be a coincidence? I don't believe in coincidences!
I went right into an open rebuke in JESUS name.
It was no light rebuke.
It was now clear to me what was actually happening.
I was angry this entity had come at me in such a bizarre way.
I walked outside and walked up to the outside brick wall.
No sign of anything hitting the perfectly white wall.
How was it possible for that entity to make so much noise on a brick wall? I did scratch my head. But then again I thought, they are capable of doing so much we just don't understand yet.
None the less, I wasn't going to waste another moment on this experience . Not another negative thought about it!

I went back into the house and proceeded to flat iron my hair.
As I stood there again I wondered why two days in a row I was experiencing odd odors and banging?
We live in a diverse dimensional realm here on the Earth.
Nothing surprises me anymore. I'm grateful that regardless of what happens in a day in my life I have a sure and powerful help in the LORD! There were no more noises after that!
Today I have come to understand that what I dealt with that day was a poltergeist spirit. It was taunting me.
Since I have become a Demonologist in the 1970's I have often had many spiritual attacks. I understand them now, but I never really enjoy going through them. I refuse to give into fear. I hope you will as well!


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