Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Dream Before The Deliverance

 So, I never knew anything really about how the dream world works in the spirit realm, when someone is possessed or has an attachment or a familiar spirit hanging around. But in 1973 I embarked on a very strange calling. It was not my desire for this gift, but non the less the gift came to me. I was clearly chosen for it. I received it from the LORD.
The way this gift has always worked with me for Deliverances, possessions, exorcisms.  oppressions, cleansings as well as clearings and the like, is that I will go to bed just like I always do every night.
Then, while in the night I will have an extremely vivid dream.  A very clear dream. Sometimes seeing a certain room or the color of the walls or drapes, recognizing a place, or I will hear a mother speaking to her child. Hear a name or see a certain person. The dream is always clear in some way to me.  Leaving me  certain memories to hold onto once I awake.

 "Someone" in the dream is usually fighting a fight they are not able to win, or in some form of battle they are weary from. Fighting an unseen entity. They are also sometimes just crying or complaining to me in the dream of their defeat over an enemy or entity which they cannot get free of on their own. I will watch this scenario in the dream for a few moments and begin to see the powerful entity they are fighting or upset about. 
The entity is always large and in charge of the person. Having full control. The dream will usually start with a person or persons whom I do not know. I will have a "Feeling" in the dream that this person needs my help to be free from something attacking them that they cannot deal with any longer. 
 They want to be free of it finally. 
I immediately take the issue on in the dream and protect the person in the dream by instructing them to leave the area so I can now take over the fight. It is then that I see the entity more clearly. It is never an easy thing to see it.
It is as if I am a warrior in the dream for the poor soul who could not handle the battle, I know I am to "take it over from here". 
 I feel the Aura of the LORD anoint me! It's very powerful! I feel much more powerful than that person who was losing the battle. I know I will win this battle against this entity I face now before me. There is never any doubt of this. I assess the situation and then go to the LORD  in the Spirit for HIS instruction. "Like saying, How do you want me to handle this spirit, or demon or entity"? 
 I will feel the answer immediately. I will know how to proceed. I then begin the battle in the spiritual realm. It is always a very strong enemy I fight. The enemy or entity is an enemy of my very soul, as well as the soul of the person they were fighting. I know which type of entity I am fighting as they always reveal themselves in the battle against me. I don't want to know who they are, I just happen to know it. I am always amazed at how easy it is to fight them, but yet it is usually a long, strange process. 
The gift of tenacity is strong with me while fighting, as this battle can and sometimes will last all night long. I do not relent! I am committed to win at any cost. The enemy is always weakened eventually and the victory is the LORDs, and finally mine. It can get very hard at times, and it certainly can take a lot out of me. I often wake up the next day exhausted. Like I didn't even sleep at all, and then throughout the day, I find myself tired and a bit lazy. I need to recharge myself. It effects me for at least one full day.
 Once awake from the dream  the next day or within a few days, or sometimes hours, I will get a phone call from someone who will be "that person" I just fought for all night long. 
It is so rewarding to know I did not stay up all night fighting in vain!
Yes, that is how it has always happened and still to this day does!
The fight FIRST in the spiritual realm, then, the phone call in the physical realm!
I am always careful to mention these fights to my husband or son right away as I wake, as I want verification once the call comes to me. This validation process is very important.
It never fails to come.
I remember being aided by Holy angels a time or two while in the spiritual battle. 
These entities or demons I fight are "strong men" or strong "leader type demons" I fight. Once in a while these Holy angels come to help me. Sometimes the evil spirits hit harder and stay in my face longer. It is literally a spiritual battle. I pray in the spirit and rebuke and bind these entity's. The effort I use against them is no small fight. Those are the more difficult possessions or attachments. If the Holy angels show up or come I know the battle will be very difficult. I will be up in the spirit all night. Many spirits only last a few minutes, or hours, however. I walk away amazed every time at how many types and strengths there are in the spirit realms. Sometimes it's easy, and sometimes it isn't.
The phone calls come from all over the United States. Mostly close to home, but not always. I am always expecting the call once the dream and fight have taken place!
This has happened this way for over 40 years now.
It's no coincidence!
This year for the first time my husband had the dream. I heard him yelling out in his sleep  this week, Monday night. He woke me up two times. I prayed a short prayer that he would get peace and go back to sleep! The next morning he revealed to me he fought a demon all night long, it was very scary he said and difficult. I told him I heard him in the night and prayed for his peace and sleep to come to him.
He said it was very hard to fight this demon and that there were two spirits who were claiming the souls of those he was fighting for. I said you didn't believe the lies of the entity did you? He said no, but it was all very confusing. I asked him to write it all down and remember as much as he could. He did. He said to me, this time the LORD gave me the battle. I replied to him, "GOOD"! We will now wait for the call!
By Wednesday night the phone rang and it was a young couple having a very frightening happening in their apartment. They needed us to come. We agreed, told them we had the dream and were waiting for a call, and we will be there on Saturday.
Isn't GOD good! They are already free from the attack, we know this! The battle has already been fought and won and they will have victory! I gave them instructions on what to do until we get there to stay safe and free from any harm.
"We" look forward to going to finish the fight!
This is a gift given to me and now my husband is having dreams as well. I am so pleased to serve this way. I pray the LORD never retires us from helping those in need!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Octagon Hall 2017

So, on our vacation last week for 2017 we decided to go to the famous Octagon Hall in Franklin KY. I hadn't read anything about it at all, only that others had gone there and were doing ghost investigations and seemed to have lots of good EVP's and the like. So we were at our property in KY and decided to head over a few counties to check it out and meet the men who work there and see what all the chatter was about.
The History revealed this information for us:
An antebellum  eight sided three story brick home
In 1847, Andrew Jackson Caldwell laid out the foundation for his new family home. With a desire for distinction, his home would not be a simple structure with four walls like so many others, but an eight sided edifice unique to the region.
Completed in 1859, it would soon become a landmark in the south-central Kentucky area.
Well, we found out that Andrew Jackson Caldwell was a Mason and he had the octagon shape in mind for a good reason. Or at least he thought it was a good reason.
We also found that there were civil war soldiers there at one time and that it was a hiding place, a hospital, and a residence all in one.
It's truly a beautiful place that is falling into disrepair as it is a museum of the past and needs finances to reestablish it to it's once wonderful grand glory.
I loved talking with the people we met there and we had a wonderful tour of the home. But, right from the moment I walked into the building I was instantly approached by a strong male figure who was not amongst the living. I commanded him in the name of JESUS not to touch me as I felt him on my left arm and back area, standing very close to me.  He wasn't evil, but very interested in why I was there. I took two steps in and felt a woman on my right, she was also interested in why I had come to the home. I moved into the home a few feet more and could feel the children around me. The home was so active I was amazed. I didn't need an EVP device, these spirits were making themselves known.
I walked through each room in the home touching the wood and bricks and it was as if I could hear the LORD tell me the pain that these walls had seen. The fears were very real and horrifying once. Death was everywhere. It was actually overwhelming. Like it was covering the walls of this ancient structure. Not just human death but spiritual death as well! I sat down and listened to the thoughts that were coming to me.  It was a long and I might add, cold visit, as I pondered each room in the home.
I soon felt compelled to walk outside after an hour or so in the house. As I walked out of the house and down the back stairs I noticed the curator of the museum come out on the porch to smoke a cigarette. He sat down in one of the chairs on the porch, I smiled up at him but went out a few yards more into the back yard and I heard the LORD say to me, "you are standing on fingers, bones" and before the Lord finished speaking with me I heard the curator yell out to me from above, "we found fingers right where you are standing, from a recent dig"! I was amazed and told him what I had just heard from the LORD! He said "yes", "I can see that you are getting verification".  I was then led to the back part of the yard, the curator came down to walk with me, and the curator and I walked the back lot towards a few large trees. I was feeling death very strongly and said I feel that there are people literally buried right here, and he said "yes", "there are graves back here everywhere. It was then that my feet were feeling, portions of bodies and with every step I could feel through my feet what I was standing on. It was gravely strange. I could see as if by radar what I was standing on. I felt like crying it was so sad. I could hear the bones crying from the ground. The pain and the sadness was overwhelming. So many young souls gone. So much blood crying from the ground still after all these years! I shared these thoughts with the curator and he said "yes", there were many amputations done here and many were killed and froze to death on these grounds once. Just then I went up to one of the large trees and laid my hands on the cold bark. There were areas where the bark was ripped away and the smooth skin of the tree was exposed in long segments. It was when I touched this that the LORD spoke again and said, "This tree has seen and felt all that you now feel" I said to the curator this tree was talking to me. He said people were hung from the tree and I could certainly feel it. I then felt warm breezes over my face and hands and saw the burial from a day long ago when the master of the home was buried there. The curator showed me his grave. It was so strange. I was feeling things the curator was confirming to me.  I was being led by feelings in my hands and feet and the curator verified everything I experienced. I saw the death in my minds eye of the wife and sorrow all over her. These had been lonely, strange and hard times for these people in these graves. Many young children were present as well. They had all died so early in life and the deaths were very sad. The children here knew little hope! Their lives were not royal or happy. Bitterness kept coming up to me from the ground.
I walked briefly into the slave shack and could not bear the pain and sorrow from this structure. It was fear based and horribly sad. Angry and desperate feelings. I exited immediately. It was as if I walked into a tornado of negative emotions in that shack. I could not stand there as my heart was too heavy. The death and sadness was overwhelming!
I briefly visited the summer kitchen shack and in there it was simply empty. As if no one wanted to be in it. I thought that very strange. It was a step back in time to see all that these women had to do just to prepare one meal! It was an all day ordeal feeding family back in those days.
I went back into the home again and went into the basement now. Touching the walls as I went down the steps, 13 of them actually on the final decent. There was a feeling of confusion, anger, resentment, and grief all over the lower level. It was so thick in the air. Anger was paramount, I was sure. I did not however feel anything focused on me. They (the spirits there) wanted me to know they knew in this life they had made many wrong choices, spirits were everywhere! The voices were coming so fast to me I felt like plugging my ears. These spirits were full of regret! That is where their anger lay, yet they knew it was there own doing their own choices that made them feel this way. As if they were saying we blame only ourselves. There was a strange peace in that to me. Very strange. I know that while we are here in the Land of the Living we are all responsible for the choices we make. Once we cross over to the realm of the dead we have already written our story. It is then finished. Our lives become a tale to be told. No changes can be made. It is History. Yes, HIS story then. The LORD alone keeps the records of our lives. Weather we choose to believe it or not.
I have seen how the angelic realm writes the book of "Teri" or "Kevin" or "You". It is done with extreme caution and perfection! The heavenly messengers keep account of all of us. It's truly amazing to see. I saw this in the 70's while the LORD showed me the process one night in a vision. It was beautiful! Angels appear to us as people while we are alive and we have no clue while we are here in the Land of the Living that they are actually angels, however once we act this way or that, it is documented, what we say and do here. Thus "our" story is written. We NEVER get away with anything here, EVER! The documentation and the "why" is known from the heart by GOD himself!
This was what I was hearing from the spirits for the moment as I was in the basement of this once beautiful home. Regret and despair from poor choices.  I quickly went to the main floor and into the grand room. The room where the families had lived and spent most of their time in, the meetings were held for the Masons in this grand room, the choices were made for the military maneuvers, once upon a time now gone. I felt the wickedness there.  Vindictive spirits, angry and alone! It was awful! The pain and the despair. I felt after 4 hours in this home I could stand it no more.  I wanted to stay all day and night but it was a very cold 38 degrease that day and I was ready to head to warmth for the evening. As much as I loved being there, I felt I could hear no more!
We thanked the wonderful dedicated curators for a lovely day of validation and friendship there at the great museum. I strongly urge others to go and feel the walls and grounds for yourself! See what might be spoken to you.
The home was full of spiritual conversations and insight. We were very glad we spent the day there. So much can be learned from the past when we open the eyes of our hearts!