I remember being very young. Under two years old. A time when I spoke with my mind. I used my eyes to communicate. It was effortless. But not many understood this.
Maybe just for a moment they would focus on me. They would seem to understand. Then they would move on. As if they had awoken from sleep state. I didn't understand.
I was here. I had a mission. It was known to me then.
I understood that!
I spoke with one who always answered me clearly. I knew the voice well. Very well. The voice was male. It was my total comfort.
When I questioned things HE guided me. HE was always with me. Always close. The things HE shared with me were simple.
I felt as I grew HE would show me this and that. HE never left me alone for a moment. I could feel HIS presence. As if we were in communion. A sacred and special place, a time of learning to be here. Every touch, smell and taste, everything I would feel even at that young age, I was making decisions.
I clearly remember one morning. This remembrance was more keen to me than any of the others I experienced in my life. As if I could go back to this one point in time in my life and know for sure I truly experienced all of this! I had experienced chocolate custard for the first time. It was an amazing taste to me. A custard that was cold and yet smooth and wonderfully pleasing. I was still very young at this point.
I said to HIM then, well, now, this is it then isn't it?
I have experienced all there is now.
Nothing could be better than this?
I felt HIS warm understanding as I spoke.
HE answered me. "No, Teri, there is so much more"!
I replied to HIM, but I don't want to stay any longer now. And how could there be more I thought? More than this? More than all I have already come to know? I have known love of Mother, Father, brothers and sisters. Food, drink, all the sweet tastes over this time here. Tears of pain and joy. Smells, colors and feelings. I restated to HIM, "I am done now". I'm ready to leave! Again, HE said, very firmly "no, This is another beginning".
This is a beginning, I questioned? I didn't want more, HE kindly demanded in his tone I should know more. Suddenly, trusting HIS authority I no longer questioned HIM.
Gradually, the remembrance of these conversations and anointed times faded somewhat.
Years passed, and I would revisit these moments of complete awareness of HIM and our wonderful moments of truth and knowing. Words were never spoken. It was all through thought.
I didn't question it. It was familiar and normal for me. Comforting and encouraging.
Then life would continue and it seemed I would simply "forget" these times. But each time HE came back and awareness was with me again, It was as it always had been. Like nothing had changed. Even though it truly had.
I used to try to write my thoughts about all this, but things would happen so bizarre here on this side of knowing that I would lose heart.
I find such gratefulness in knowing and being here. It is a privilege. There is much here to know and accomplish yet many are not given to study and learning. Distractions are many and they are made specifically to distract us.
We are on a spiritual journey. It seems to be disguised as "Life". But there is a reason each of us are here.
I have found the answer. Have you?
It's more than being awake and aware. So much more.
There is only one way. I hope you remember. I hope you find HIM. You already know HIM. HE's waiting for you to remember.
Your story is not much different than mine. We are all truly walking each other home! Home to Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith.