Most people would think it was only a dream.
it was March of 2015.
was sound asleep and having a horrible experience while I slept.
wasn't dreaming and I knew it. This was more than a dream. It was terrifying!
was able to come out of the experience at 3:54 a.m. I made a note of the time and sat straight up in bed. Just as some are able to astral project or have out of body experiences.
was tempted to wake my husband up and discuss what had just happened to me, but
decided I would be unable to communicate what had just happened. It was so
people would think it was only a dream. How can I communicate that this was no
dream! It was a conundrum that became clear to me as I sat there in bed. I needed to understand what had just happened to me.
However, the
processes or experiences happen to us, they happen in such a way that
you appear to be dreaming.
But you're clearly not!
are manipulated somehow in our sleep.
experience was so bizarre even after all I have been through, that I wondered
how I would share this. How can I communicate this properly? It was so
completely frightening!
full waking, or shall I say realization.
My memories were sometimes previously blocked from me somehow. Previously when I had my
experiences upon my waking, I would remember nothing. But this time I remembered
I hadn't been deprogrammed to forget what took
place while I was under. I didn’t want to forget what had happened or have it erased.
My problem was how can I communicate that this wasn't a dream? How can I share
that I woke up before the deprogramming took place?
do they do that to experiencers?
I was under, I heard the woman say, "she is waking up, (she actually sounded panicked), quick attend to her she is
waking up"! I saw women in the room all around me, about few of them
in white gown type suits, trying to give me some strange anesthesia. It wasn't being administered to me as usual, through a mask, but something was being injected into me through a needle. I saw logos on the woman's uniforms, I was sure it said "IBM".
happened to me was as follows:
was approached by an older tall thin man wearing blue jeans, a white shirt and a straw
hat. I found myself in a strange cave like area that he had brought me to. We walked in together; I was curious but hesitant. I didn't want to go into that cave.
was very, very cold. I felt myself shaking so but the man seemed to fine in his thin white T shirt.
realized I was in an underground catacomb as we continued walking, that was very dimly lit. There were large lights on the cave walls but because it was so large in the cave, they didn't produce enough light. I remembered
I had been taken there several times before. It was actually quite familiar.
The smell the dampness and the darkness of it was so unique. Not something you
could easily forget. It was a place I had clearly remembered being to at least
three times before.
in Florida I'm not accustomed to this deep, wet cold that I felt but somehow, I
knew I would be OK. I was very uneasy, and it caused such stress for me.
man led me to a place where I would converse with a being that is in captivity
there. The man explained that I would be alright, but I panicked a bit hearing that because it made me feel so uneasy.
somehow understood I was going to see an extraterrestrial being.
ET lived here in the catacombs.
was asked to say very little to the entity and wait for the entity to address
me first. I was told by the man in the straw hat that he was large and very
frightening, yet I was in no real danger. He assured me he would stay
close to me while I was in the catacomb cage.
we walked down towards the cage, I found myself feeling very curious,
cautious and was severely shaking. RUN kept coming into my mind! But to where?
in me wanted to run in the other direction.
insides were shaking terribly! I was so afraid of the unknown I hadn’t interacted
with an extraterrestrial in the catacombs before. It was all so overwhelming!
this moment I don't know why I didn't turn and run.
was compelled to go towards this entity.
in me kept right on walking fearlessly forward!
made no sense to me at all. Like I was on autopilot.
I under some kind of control? Was it mind control I wondered? Why was I a
part of all of this any way? Where am I? Why me? I'm no one special, I thought
to myself!
kept walking a long way deeper into the catacomb and I was told the
cage was coming up ahead on the right. I was shaking so hard all over I had to clench my teeth together as I was biting my tongue. My body was in full panic. I tried to prepare myself for what my
eyes would now see. I just wanted to run!
nothing could have prepared me for what I saw!
I walked forward now the stone dirt floor was uneven, hard to walk on and even
more dimly lit. There were fewer lights on the walls. Did the being not like the light?
added to my unstable feeling.
we finally arrived.
cage was extremely large. I wanted to look away and run in the other
direction. I was still shaking all over, and I could see "him" in
the back of the cage standing very tall. Then he slowly began to approach the
front of his cage area. I was led inside the gate area by the handler with
the straw hat. My insides were trembling and made me feel like the shaking was
a constant vibration. I felt as if I was going to throw up!
was cold in the cage and very damp. He walked towards me on two very strong
looking legs. I looked down, I didn't want to look up. I was too afraid.
legs were very muscular. Frighteningly large!
is a reptilian.
shades of green and grey I could see in the dim lighting with what appeared as scales. It was at least 8 feet tall, if not taller and extremely frightening to
look at.
Overpowering in every sense of the word. He is very much a living lizard like
creature. His eyes are large I could feel his gaze fixed on me for the moment.
He is clearly in charge here! His face isn't long like a lizard's, it's
much shorter. I took a quick gaze at him. There are only three digits on his hands and feet that
I could see. His size was more frightening than his face to me. Not a normal
nose tip, it was closed, I saw no nostrils, and the area that would have a
mouth I did not see one. This creature isn't like anything I had ever heard of,
or seen, or even imagined before.
trembled with fear.
beyond frightened, I was frozen for the moment. I was trying to focus away from
could feel my fear rising in me. Since his cage was so large, I felt as if I
could at least move away from him if anything went wrong. I was glad it
was the size it was.
wanted to back away but didn't. The handler left the bars wide open on
the cage after I entered.
was very grateful for that.
the entity’s presence I could hear his thoughts.
wondered if he was a demonic force of some kind.
was hoping that thinking that would not anger him.
I was afraid to even think anything, but I knew
that it knew that I was afraid.
didn't smell good in the cage and didn’t want to know what was causing the
nasty odor. It was just him; I was sure.
of us moved very much at the onset.
remained lowly in posture and quiet and trembling as he initiated the conversation.
truth is I was so frightened I couldn't think straight!
do remember speaking to him through telepathy.
We didn't look at each other as we spoke. But
we telepathically were having a full conversation.
was really odd to me, as he didn't even need to make eye contact with me to
hear his thoughts!
was really horrified by his sight, and I knew that he knew that.
I looked over to my right as he stood close to
me. I could see him out of my peripheral view and that was enough for me. I
understood it was for my comfort.
say "he" as his voice was a very low male sounding voice that shook
me like a woofer speaker. OR was that my fear?
few times he came very close to me, but I didn't try to look this entity in the
face. I was thinking, "He's the size of a grizzly bear" and I
certainly wouldn't look a grizzly in the face. He had a
strong, overpowering presence. He was so other worldly.
my cowering position was more peaceful I thought? Less intimidating to him?
didn't dare move quickly.
didn't want to bring any unnecessary attention to myself at all!
thought, I wonder what I look like to him.
I'm ugly to him or frightening?
doubted it but I could feel that he understood my frightened feelings.
have heard so much about aggressive reptilian creatures, I was hoping there
would be no confrontation here! He knew I was afraid of him. It took everything
in me not to turn and run! I mean everything! He knew that too!
man with the hat stood outside the cage area very still. He was always in view.
He had a high ranking I somehow understood, I don't know if the Reptilian
told me that or not, but he was like a handler of this being. Assigned to him.
I didn't understand why the man in the hat was dressed down. The straw hat
threw me.
it was supposed to?
still not sure why the man was so casual about all this, like he'd done this many times before.
had a conversation with this entity for about a half hour it seemed and was
then guided back out of the cage. I remember the reptilian saying I was given information for the future when I needed it, it would be then I would recall it. I don't remember anything else much more that was said to me. I knew it was now time to leave and I was so relieved. I walked out of the cage slowly.
man in the straw hat closed the cage door behind me with a bang.
went back out the same way we came in. I remember very little of that walk.
was now in a large room with many windows at least three stories up, it reminded me of a normal well-lit hospital room, but it wasn't a hospital room. There were military type people all around in uniforms, male and female and I heard a
woman say, she can't wake up this time. We will begin the process now.
I was already awake! Where am I? Who are these people, how did I get here?
I somehow had escaped their efforts to keep me under!
sooner had she said it, I completely woke up!
found myself sitting in my own bed. In my bedroom!
woke up my husband after giving it all some thought.
immediately told him what had happened.
was extremely quite as I shared all this.
tried to relay how we are manipulated to forget the process we are put under
while we have experiences out of our bodies. I was still so upset.
they make it come off as a dream, so much so as to confuse us. Who is
"they" I wondered? I don't know!
military? The ET’s? A combination of the two? Or is it some manipulation of the military to gain understanding to what happens to some of us that are involved in extraterrestrial interaction?
I do know however....
think we are all controlled at times somehow. Experiencers that is, we experience more than what we
remember. We’re not allowed to remember some things. Why? We’re given
information within us, not meant for all eyes and ears.
for our understanding for a future need.
hope sharing this will help someone else remember their unique experience.
is truly so much stranger than fiction.
not everything that happens to us is known to even us!